There “n” number of health clinics which claim effortless weight loss. However weight loss boils down to the fact that one has to eat more and exercise. Fat people cannot do so for long time and hence are constantly looking for magic , and there are businessmen who offer wt loss by- consuming some ayurvedic pils, Sauna belts, vibratory belts, body wraps and what not. The basic problem why there is no authentic information about weight loss is because dieticians and nutritionist do not any idea of human physiology and doctors don’t have any idea of nutrition. Hence the knowledge of factors causing obesity and treatment thereof is sketchy and incomplete. For complete knowledge and effective nutritional guidance visit This site is maintained by MBBS MD Doctor and his team. He himself was suffering from obesity and diabetes and hence did a deep study of causes of obesity and its treatment. I suggest that before enrolling into any health clinic or gym, one must visit the site.
I suggest that before enrolling into any health clinic or gym, one must visit the site. Dont be a a haste and get lured by pleasent but pushy front staff of weight loss centers who despite promising weight loss by some funny machines eventually ask you to diet. If machines make people thin, how come america is FAT!!!!