I found this site via other reviews here on mouthshut.com, and its a really great site!
Its part of the overall dumb network, and well, to put it frankly, these are funny just due to some of the idiotic things that people do.
From my sunny homeland of England did you know that if I was to sneak in to the city walls of Chester and then fire a bow and arrow at a Welshman, I wouldnt be done for murder. As long as it was after midnight.
You also allowed to urinate against the back wheel of your car, if your holding the top of your car with your right hand.
This site provides a good listing of all the really bizarre and interesting laws made, that seem just a tad too dumb to be useful. The sites layout is pretty drab and uninspiring, but the content is exxtremely funny.
Just remember, the laws arent dumb, the politicans that made them are though.
This site is really worth a visit if youre bored and want some light entertainment. So give it a go.