Hi guys.
Thanks a ton for the feedback..especially since it was positive!! Ha Ha just kidding!!
One thing which I forgot to mention, but Im not going to go into too many details about coz of limited information is that if you have any old VCRs..dont throw them away... in order to be able to adequately connect you Cable TV wire to the reciever u need to break the audio and the video signals..and most reciever will not be able to do this...in fact the plug will not fit in most.
In order to break this signal u either need a VCR or a box which breaks the signal and then transmits it through the 3 is to 3 (co-ax) wire. A VCR can do this...and it has audio as well as a video out. So the cable wire goes into the VCR and then u draw the audio and video out which can then be put either in your reciever or the television.
Take Care