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Member Since:Mar 26, 2003
0 MS Points
MBA Marketing, Musician, trekker, love reading and nature and wish to have the biggest meanest and most powerful home theatre system!! Bet ill find many like me here. I belong to Shimla in Hi I love meeting people and i hope that mouthshut will prove to be a significant contributor in this aspect. Not only that,I also believe i will find many who will share similar interests and we can go on to be good freinds. I love electronics, everything from Amplifiers to Televisions. Dont know too many technical terms and stuff but hell i know how to work them! I am also an avid musican, have been playing since my school days and then played for my college in Delhi. The other things i love doing is sitting down with a huge packet of chips and Archies..havent managed to loose this habit much to the dislike of my parents!!
About Me
Education: MBA
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Maybe i should walk......
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
Everyone knows low cost carrie are not expected to satisfy all requirements and expectations of the travellers..be it frequent ones or otherwsie but there is Read more...
Colva hits the spot
Reviewed Goa
We went to goa earlier this year in Feb. iTv was the first time I was going and for years I had been hearing about it from all my friends, various family membRead more...
An excellent option
Reviewed Springfields - Shimla
Springfields is located at a 10 minutes walk from where I stay in Shimla. ITs essentially an old house which has been renovated a bit and converted into ahoteRead more...
A Hidden Haven
Reviewed Kashid Beach - Kashid
I had the opportunity to go to Murudh in Feb. Had just got married and my wife suggested the place based on a freinds recommendation. I had never heard of it Read more...
Ebay.in- Excellent Site
Reviewed Ebay
I was browsing throught the site when I stumbled upon a lot of reviews, 150 odd to be excact on ebay .in (formerly baazee.com) and the genral mood was not onlRead more...
What a Package!!
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R
HI All. Havent written here for a while, apologies for being out of touch but much has been happening in my life. Got married a few months ago, changed jobs,Read more...
Dont Stay Here Ever
Reviewed Hotel Rahat - Shimla
I belong to Shimla as such and have never really stayed or visited hotel Rahat till a few days ago. Couple of freinds wanted to come up from delhi and we didRead more...
Just one rule....
Reviewed General Tips on Buying a Car
A short search on google will yeild thousands of pages of advice on the topic which has been requesed by you so there is no point getting into that. The onlyRead more...
1 Possible Reason
Reviewed Coca Cola
I think one of the simplest reasons why Sales are not picking up is because consumers face a simple decision making process...what is termed as Routinsed PurcRead more...
Nothing to It
Reviewed Buying a New VCD
FranklyI would not recommend buying a DVD player now at any rate...move upto a DVD!! If you cant or dont want to then basically look for the same things whicRead more...
One Out-of-the-way TIP--more details
Reviewed Buying a New TV
One good way of being able to judge picture clarity is to tell your salesman to put on the same channel in all the televisions you have shortlisted. There wiRead more...
In response to Acoustic Nirvana by ''ryder''
Reviewed Tips on maintaining a Sound System
Afternoon everyone. This is in response to the Artice mentioned in the Title by ryder Part of the whole experience is whRead more...
Why NOt?
Reviewed Learning to Drive
I loved reading the reviews in this section.very interesting. Most I felt were coming out of personal experiences. I thought I would add a few more lines. LRead more...
Reviewed Nokia 3310
Think, enough is known about this model for me to not get into it. This was my first cell phone andI still have it..and it is a very good basic feature cell Read more...
Excellent instrument---This review was meant for
Reviewed Nokia 3110
I think enough is known abouth this model for me to not get into it. This was my first cell phone and I still have it..and it is a very good basic feature ceRead more...
Buy It!!
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ - Disc Brake
If there is ayone out there who is planning to buy a new motorcycle and is looking at the CBZ as well...the just go ahead and buy it!! I had the the bike (I Read more...
Make the Site More Free
Reviewed General Thoughts About MouthShut
I havent been a member for too long so maybe this issue has been taken up by others as well. I am a big electronics fan and love writing about them.so Read more...
Reviewed LG LS-K2460CI AC
LG : Sorry for this general message but could not remember the model. I recently booked an AC from LG during their special scheme where you were getting a 1 Read more...
Still Surviving
Reviewed Big Chill - DLF Promenade Mall - Vasant Kunj - New Delhi
I was possibly the first visitor this place ever had?primarily because I knew the original owners through a friend?and I must say I was rather excited about iRead more...
Nestle Vs Amul
Reviewed Nestle Milk
Actually Amul Taaza milk was the one whichI wanted to write on but could not find it. Ever sinceI have started living aloneI have moved on to consuming packaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on TEDDY_995's review
ya i would agree with the 'get help' bit. I have been having RS for close to 5-6 years now and have never had an episode of which you speak of.
Commented on wecaz's review
Take them to court. I dont know how they think they can run a bank , their Sr. Management must really be cut off from reality.... and ofcourse suck at thier job. Must be people who have managed to climb to the top on the shoulders of others and not on their own merits.
Commented on ramesh_v's review
This was not a review at all , more of an attempt to publicize your problem. While ICICI should not resort to such methods the prime insigator is you...and what i dont understand even further is that for someone in financial difficulty why did you make the error of getting / or using the card at all Read More...
Commented on shyNbold's review
Their verification it seems is carried out by people who seem to be from another planet all together and have no clue of the cities they are operating under. My verification failed 3 times before i finally gave my official address...and what was my address......Defence Colony in New Delhi..... there Read More...
Commented on mmindchd's review
ICICI is Deaf AND stupid , there is no OR involved at all. I just had a very bad experience , yet again which you can read at puchoo.wordpress.com
Commented on ss528sv's review
huh? What was the last paragraph about ICICiI and proof , seems to me that ICICI is like the CIA , let the truth not be told. Not a very exhaustive review but if you managed to get ICICI upset then hats off to you.!
Commented on coolnitt's review
U didnt give an specs such as downloading speed etc... are u on the off chance working for thenm directly or possibly in an agency working for them :-)
Rated on hanselfonseca's review
Commented on praveenmallar's review
There is absolutely no need for writing for the sake of it. all of us here hope to share and receive good information about things. Yours does not help in the least.
Commented on satinder11's review
Thats oneplace i have been wanting to try as well... thought they only had an outlet in Noida.. well obviously not..do they have one in delhi as well?
Commented on own review
Ya im open to believeing the fact that things could have chnanged... but am i willing to risk my time and money on seeing whether it has when especially when there are so many more options available? I mean take another example..you buy a car , blow up 5 lacs on it, not upto expectations at all...th Read More...
Commented on mustafas's review
again, yes it possibly might , ut then why did you join again? Tomorrow you decide to go and join the FBI as a undercover agent and then start cribbing that ur facing an identity crisis?? The basic point here is you took something which you were not prepared for, or willing to adopt to and hence the Read More...
While i sympathise with the BPO industry professionals for the schedule they have to follow generically , i have absolutely no sympathy for individuals who decided to get into it. You are cribbing now, sulking about the BPO industry...but yout ook the job didnt you? probably for the same reasons you Read More...
Commented on preetib's review
I have worked as a samles and marketing professional in this industry. How did you get to know these details? Or are you assuming the actions here?
Commented on kamini's review
Cant really agree with you coz i havent such experiences... in my case 1. Bank Acc- opened in 3 weeks 2. Car Loan - sanctioned in 1 day , payment made to dealer second day, car with me 3 days. 3. General Banking - no delays encountered except wehen cheques had a fault. 4. Phone Banking - A Read More...
Commented on consumersforum's review
A similar case happend with my boss. His ofcourse was actual outstanding which he was not willing to pay because of some other reason. he was also called by a lawyer and was informed that an arrest warrant had been issued. we went to the branch in Noida and met the credit card guy there. The amount Read More...
Rated on manideep's review
Commented on manideep's review
dont agree with most of the comments u have made. ebay suffers from the same faults which lie in a normal market. the difference being that here u can ohysically inspect a product and on ebay u cant. but there arer enuf consumers out there who have bought somewthing from ebay and are delgihted ewith Read More...
Aren Eronde (@arenfrostMouthShut Verified Member)
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Mohan Kumar. (@cmohankMouthShut Verified Member)
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manish mehrotra (@manishrvceMouthShut Verified Member)
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Hemalatha Sathyanarayanan (@hemaaura888MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vijay Saini (@vijaybaghel1993MouthShut Verified Member)
Nishant Gupta (@OnsitegoMouthShut Verified Member)
Rajkumar Sunka (@rajkumarsunkaa88MouthShut Verified Member)
Murali Ramakrishnareddy (@abhibus1MouthShut Verified Member)
Shiva Shanker (@Reddy1647MouthShut Verified Member)
Riya Tyagi (@royacri06MouthShut Verified Member)
KamalHindujaAuthor (@KamalHindujaAuthorMouthShut Verified Member)
Ravi Agarwal (@rksathish94MouthShut Verified Member)
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Punyaslok Dash (@poo33418MouthShut Verified Member)