Last week, I went to the Ezoneoutlet in Jubilee Hills to buy laptop. Just before visiting this outletI went to the Croma store which is its neighbour. Not satisfied with thevariety they are offering, I thought Ezone might have what I needed.
Once I was scanning through the laptops and the prices, I found that noneof them were switched on. The next moment, I gazed around if somebody isout there who could help me. A guy, comes up to me standing right on mytoes without knowing the basics of customer engagement. With his awkwardenglish, he starts explaining me the laptop, which I obviously didnt understand.Then I ask him about one of the features written on the pamplet, he sayshe is not aware. This continued for a while till I was fed up.
Vexed, I asked him if there is anybody else who could help me. He goesaway and comes after a while saying the laptop guy is gone. I ask him toswitch it on so I could check it, he gives me a wonderful answer denyingthat opportunity. None of the laptops are switched on.
He said, customers come with the configuration and take the product, theydont check the features and all since they are reputed brands. Come on, this guy need not teach me customer principles. I came out cursing KishoreBiyani and the idiotic rep.