Given the inaccuracy of maps in India, I download Google Earth as a good alternative to maps. After downloading and installing the software, I found that only major cities of India were photographed and that too only the commercial part of the city - not the full city. So in the case of Mumbai, only south mumbai is covered (again, not from the same altitude as say New York). The google earth website claimed that buying the license would give better resolution, more details etc. So I purchased the license. The license only improved details of cities in the developed world. The coverage of India is between bad to terrible. The license also enables you to draw a map directly onto the image being displayed.
My advise would be to download Google Earth just to see the rest of the world through the eyes of the satellite. You get a pretty good view via the satellite. It is more enjoyable if you have 56kbps or higher bandwidth.
Dont buy the license. My rating of the product is based on the fact that the reason for which I purchased the license – India, is very poorly covered.
To know which parts of the globe are covered in high resolution, visit: You can see that only North America and Western Europe are well covered. Also, the photos are between current to four years old. I saw the satelite photo of my Home town in Goa and found it showed constuction activity in progress that took place some four years ago. It was like going back in time. All the same, it does give you an idea how your part of the world looks like from the sky.