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Member Since:Apr 16, 2003
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Freelance web designer. Expertise in software and programming. Computers, electronics, cars, photography, nature lover, love all animals, read a lot of stuff - all kinds of stuff.
About Me
Education: Post Grad
Food and Drinks: Love all kinds of modern non oily food. Drink: for me, nothing beats Fresh Lime Soda.Books: Fiction, Suspense, Mythology, History, ScienceT.V. Shows: Mythological, Sci-fi, mysteryMusic: 70's pop
Food and Drinks: Love all kinds of modern non oily food. Drink: for me, nothing beats Fresh Lime Soda.
Books: Fiction, Suspense, Mythology, History, Science
T.V. Shows: Mythological, Sci-fi, mystery
Music: 70's pop
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Skip Nissan - After Sales Service is Non-existent
Reviewed Nissan Sunny
I bought a new Nissan Sunny and to celebrate the purchase, took my family and went off on a holiday. When I removed the car from the hotel parking, my wife poRead more...
Ebay India ignores its own Guarantee Rules!
Reviewed eBay India Pvt Ltd
Status as on: 13th Jul, 2013: I had purchased an item from ebay(Paisapay id: 33972846204). The seller(saritachandigarh) was supposed to ship by 07th Jul. SinRead more...
Review on Idea Netsetter Plug-2-surf modem
Reviewed Choosing a Wireless ISP
I totally disagree with all of you who say that the Idea Netsetter is not good. Total rubbish I say.My Idea Netsetter is excellent. With around 94% signal strRead more...
Should you opt for auto LPG as a fuel for you car
Reviewed General Tips on Cars with LPG
Let me present two very compelling reasons on why you should convert your car from being pure petrol driven to a car that is a petrol - LPG hybrid(and  if youRead more...
Review Tata Indicom USB modem not all that great
Reviewed Tata Indicom - Surf 3000
In Nov 2007, I had purchased the so called "tata Indicom CDMA 1x  plug2surf USB modem". Unit was received within 4 working day(after 6 phone calls to remind Read more...
Review on "APC" and "Powersafe" brands of UPS
Reviewed APC Inverter
Over the past 10 years, I have purchased two UPS( Un interrupted power supply). One was a 500vA "APC" brand marketed by Wipro(no introductions needed) and theRead more...
Review on Go Air
Reviewed Go Air
I’ve traveled a couple of times with Go-Air. They are punctual and courteous. But God help you if you want to change your travel schedule or something. The GoRead more...
Review on Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL) Piped Gas
Reviewed Mahanagar Gas Limited
If your housing society has applied for piped gas then this review is for you. If your society already has piped gas then proceed to last para. To obtain pipRead more...
Reviewed Ebay
I had purchased an item from ebay (Paisapay id: 33972846204). The seller (saritachandigarh) was supposed to ship by 07th Jul. Since the seller failed to do soRead more...
Latest airtel gimmick to loot customers
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
I have a prepaid airtel sim card. Everyday without fail airtel sends me at least three smss offering all sorts of add-on services such as cheaper std / Read more...
Indian skype users watch out for attacks from USA
Reviewed Skype
Indian skype (and other users too?) watch out for attacks from USA. When I switched on my computer on 21st March 2006, and logged on to skype, it indicated tRead more...
Google Earth does not cover India in detail
Reviewed Earth.Google
Given the inaccuracy of maps in India, I download Google Earth as a good alternative to maps. After downloading and installing the software, I found that onlyRead more...
Review MTNL Tri Band and VOIP
Reviewed MTNL Triband ADSL
A lot of my friends with MTNL triband connection have started using VOIP. Due to reasobaly good bandwidth (not during monsoon) , the voice quality is superb. Read more...
Review on Auto LPG - Time to switch over is now !
Reviewed Tips on LPG Conversion Kit
Consider this: Petrol in most states of India costs over Rs 50/Lt Whereas Auto LPG costs less than half that price(around Rs 23/lt). Auto Lpg gives around 80 Read more...
Tourist bungalows at Lonavala & Khandala
Reviewed Lonavala
I write to warn all readers of about bungalows hired out to unsuspecting visitors. 90% of these bungalows are nothing more than “booth bangalas” (without the Read more...
Sun n Sand Shirdi - top notch hotel
Reviewed Sun n Sand - Shirdi
Six of us had recently (Jul 2005) gone to Shirdi and decided to take our Travel agents advise on hotels. He suggested Sun -n- Sand, Shirdi. It was a 4-star hoRead more...
A joke by Steven Spielberg
Reviewed War of the Worlds
Being a fan of Steven Spielberg, I eagerly awaited the release of the movie War of the Worlds. What a disappointment it turned out to be. The previous reviewRead more...
Borivali National Park & its poor animals
Reviewed Sanjay Gandhi National Park - Mumbai
Borivali National Park - I present you the other side of the story. On a hot summers day in May 2005, I decided to visit the famed Borivali National Park. CoRead more...
Review on The Bajaj 4 stroke scooter
Reviewed Bajaj Chetak 4 Stroke
Last year (2003) I decided to buy a bike and selected Bajaj 4 stroke scooter. My logic: a) Luggage space b) 4 stroke is the immediate future. c) Spares foRead more...
Review on Murud & how to get there, what you need
Reviewed Murud Janjira
Murud - how to get there, what you need to know. Preamble: This is about my trip to Murud from Mumbai. I shall attempt to write about our experience in reachiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on maverick_k16's review
I believe Nissan has been recalling all the Sunny and MIcra models because of some problem with the break.
Commented on ekseju's review
Your experience is horrible. I just hope I don't have to go through the same - my Nissan Sunny is now 5 days in service center because of minor oil leakage issue. While at the service center I noticed customers paying cash but it did not strike me that the company might not be accepting cards. I Read More...
Rated on maverick_k16's review
Rated on ekseju's review
Commented on shankarappa's review
Wow! Detailed explaination. I won't call this a review but never the less, a very intresting read. Thanks for taking the time to write this.
Rated on shankarappa's review
Commented on SRNAIR's review
Hi all, Does anyone know if there is any reading variation between glucometer and the testing done in a lab? When you say the reading is ''accurate'' on what do you base your assumption of accuracy? especially since the lab testing is very different from the photo metric method used in glucometers Read More...
Rated on SRNAIR's review
Rated on Deecee2's review
Commented on Deecee2's review
I can't say I agree with your assessment. I have been purchasing from flipkart for over two years now and the delivery is always extraordinarily prompt. I normally receive the books within a maximum of three (3) days.
Commented on justforkicks's review
Lovely!!!! ebay has been marketing this phone for under Rs 5,100 - I wanted to know why....This review solved the riddle.
Rated on justforkicks's review
Commented on sandstoone99's review
Yo, You're rating is not consistent with the review. In the review you wrote good things about the phone then why you rate it only 3 stars?
Rated on sandstoone99's review
Commented on raghuharini1's review
ebay often sells this phone for under Rs 5,100 (under their deal for the day scheme) though not sure if they are refurbished phones... By the way, did you have any problems transfering your address book to the LG? Sometime back I had purchased a Blackberry and had to manually key in all the pho Read More...
Rated on raghuharini1's review
Commented on agsuresh's review
If the contrast ratio is 5000:1 or thereabouts it is good enough. 50000:1 is more of a gimmicky than real. Manufacturers use different methods of calculating contrast ratio. The new fad is “higher the better” This is similar to the sound system ads that used to appear a few years back where in, th Read More...
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Nolan (@NolanIscoMouthShut Verified Member)