Any elementary book on marketing clearly states that in order to garner repeat buying by customers, organisations need to have an efficient of service infrastructure in place so as to provide for the after sales service and attending to customers’ queries.
Unfortunately in India, while we are crying hoarse about globalisation and glastnost, we have failed miserably to provide for the same.
As is typically Indian, most of the newfound companies very enthusiastically set up call centres / customer service cells. And the enthusiasm stops there only. No effort is taken to improve the service of the cell. Or if it is done, it is not reflected at least in the quality in which the customers are dealt with.
It is really surprising that in today’s competitive world, where organisations are trying their level best to capture the customer loyalty by promises of quality goods and after sales service, there continues to be institutions which painfully lack the latter.
I have had quite a few tiring experiences with BPL Mobile and Hughes Telecom, wherein I was surprised at myself with the amount of patience that I actually have. I had infact come to realise that probably this was the way things were to be.
I had been surfing quite a lot in Baazee, checking the various products available. I was impressed with the range of products. And when I first bid for an article, I was shocked (yes, I was shocked) to find out that the portal is supported by an amazing quality of customer service.
After that I have used the portal to purchase quite a many article, but never did I have to face the routine slip-shod, indifferent treatment which I had started to equate customer service with.
The customer service executives are patient, understanding and what’s most important, they their best to thrash out the problem on hand as early as possible. The result? Customers are happy. They have the feeling that their queries are being attended to. And in case of first time buyers, they feel that if the service of the portal can be this good, then the quality of the products should also be the same.
It’s about time that the so-called giants sit up and take notice of the service quality. The time has come to ship up or shape out.
If the service of the is an indication of things to come, then I am sure that the customers need not fear of being harried and frustrated at the hands of the customer service staff after they purchase products.