One has to be extremely careful while ordering goods via There are so many sellers and each seller can have a slightly different description of the same item. Similarly many sellers have similar descriptions of different items.
For example, I ordered a screen guard for my Tablet PC. While ordering, I looked at the product name, matched it with my tablet PC name and model, compared prices between vendors and placed an order.
While reviewing my order, I realized that in the last line of the item description (something like the 40th line), which was not visible on my laptop screen, contained the size as 10.1 Inch. Since my table is 7Inch, I wanted to cancel my order and order the smaller size.
However, Ebay does not allow cancellation of orders. This inspite of the fact, that it was less than 5 minutes after I ordered, and the seller was likely to see my order only the next day. This is a flaw in
It seems they dont want to treat Indian customers the same way they would treat American Customers. It is very easy to return/ refund/ cancel orders in US. Wonder why Ebay doesnt think that should have the same facilities.