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Member Since:Nov 16, 2008
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No order cancellation possible - even after 5mins
Reviewed Ebay
One has to be extremely careful while ordering goods via ebay.in. There are so many sellers and each seller can have a slightly different description of the sRead more...
Infinity 512 Postpaid Broadband - Tata Indicom
Reviewed Tata Indicom ADSL Broadband
Firstly This plan is supposed to be a post-paid plan but thats a LIE. Its actually a prepaid plan. So in a sense all plans at Tata Indicom Boradband are prepaRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on pjshahu1's review
Commented on own review
I faced another issue with Tata-Indicom. It is not possible to track on a regular basis the packages they offer. One-day on casual browsing I got to know that they had started offering the same plan with 30% higher speeds at the same price that they were charging me, and had not auto-upgraded me. Th Read More...
Ebay is more like a place that allows exchange between seller and buyer, and not like a seller themselves. This is what differentiates them from flipkart. It is possible to cancel an order on flipkart before the order is shipped, and this is a great convenience to users. I would any day recommend Fl Read More...
Rated on tansh's review
Commented on tansh's review
Obviously a pacent employee, trying to boost awful ratings.
Commented on akash.sancheti's review
Definitely an employee. Its hard to imagine an owner of an SX4 with such English. That besides, my sole visit to Sai Service JM Road was a nightmare. Rampant Overcharging, suggesting replacement of everything, poor services, really long wait times everywhere was what happened during my sole visit. N Read More...
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