This is My Opinion and My Experience with BAAZEE.COM it is not so BAD, as it is made out to be here in MS. It is THE site for Buyers and Sellers to close a deal. Yes, it does close deals. I have closed 12 Deals so far, and without any hassles. Yes, there are drawbacks about people not fulfilling their Bid, not honouring the payment, but, even the Best Sites in the world do not assure that.
EBAY.COM, the biggest Auction site in the world. I have been successful 4 times, out of the 6 times, 2 people did not pay up, there is nothing we, nor EBAY can do. A person just has to think on a different note when interacting in AUCTION sites. You have to have a different attitude towards AUCTION. In short, you have to term it is LUCK. If it is SOLD - Great, if not then - SO WHAT !!!
I have purchased New Mobile Phones, Books, Old LDs, Camera, and so far never been dissapointed by the sellers at least. Payment goes and the goods come in. Payment options are aplenty, COD, Cheque, Credit Cards, Draft, etc ...
The best part about BAAZEE.COM is that it is got a wonderful rating system. Before, bidding on a product, always read the rating the other bidders have given them. If the ratings are strong, go ahead and bid, if they are weak, do not bid. Ofcourse, if the sellers are new, there will be no ratings, in this case you just have to try your luck.
I have read some reviews here in MS, where writers have complained BAAZEE.COM to be a OUT n OUT Business Site. It is true to an extent, but, why should it bother anyone. People who want to do NETSHOPPING they are the only ones who go to BAAZEE.COM. Some Bidders look for a better buy, it is possible to get it. In one instance I had bid for a Gold Pendant, worth Rs. 3500 in the market. I got it for Rs. 800/- Unbelievable but tru, it was a 1 Paisa Auction. It is just Luck.
As a Seller, yes I have faced a NO SHOW more than a couple of times, but, I guess it is a part of the game.
The look, yes it is not upto MARK, but I dont really care, my work gets done - and in the end of the day I am happy.
So MS Writers, Take it Easy. It is not so BAD.