I have been working with Ebusinessware from last one and half years.When the recession has hit the industry then one day MD has made a conference to all the employees and promised that there will not be any lay offs or salary cut. Besides this she made a lot of promises and commitments to the employees.
But this was just a sweet coating to a harsh reality which was about to come.Later the Management has started cutting the staff from the ongoing projects and forcefully people have been marked on bench though their projects were still running with only very few key people.
Then they started threatening(am using this word as it the the only appropriate word I have to describe that situation) the employees that some harsh decision will be taken very soon. Also the people who have been on bench, the HR were talking to them in a very rude manner as if they have committed some crime and every weak they have been trialed. Employees were going through a hard time which was affecting them psychologically. Nothing was transparent and clear. So nobody was able to see his future in coming days that too when the industry is going through a downturn.
One day a mail has been circulated that all the employees who are on bench, their 50% salary will be deducted going forward. And it did happen.People have got half salary in that month. But this was not enough, in the first week itself of this month they have called a number of people who were on bench and they have been asked to put down their papers and they have been fired with immediate effect, that too without any notice period or any kind of compensation. This was the most unethical, unprofessional behaviour from the company. Even if they were firing they should have told the people before hand so that they can look outside or they should be given the compensation as per the employment letter.
When people have asked for it, they have been told we we will not be giving anything and if you really ask for it you will be given a termination letter saying due to attitude and conduct problem.And obviously in Indian its not an easy thing for a common man to file a case against the company so we are forced to keep quite and accept this as a bitter reality.
So here is the story of Ebusinessware with no policy, no business ethics, no professionalism.They have been exploiting the employees as if we are slaves. Obviously the people like me who have gone through this will always regret the decision of joing this company and now paying for it.This company has literally played a big wrong unfair game with the future of the employees.