Before I had seen the movie, I had felt that the hype that was being created may be driven by the publicity crazy cine-world.
But after sitting through a painful 2 hours watching the movie, I failed to rationalise the craze.
It is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen in my life. The cinematography is terrible and the editing and the dubbing speak of the black-and-white era. It is very very apparent from the movie that the director wanted to make a soft porn flick in a shoe string budget.
Infatuation for an older man / woman has been there for centuries. And if this be the director’s attempt to cure the society from the same, then I too can become the President of America. Give us a break yaar. Whom does the Director think he is kidding ?
The saving grace is the DADI’s acting.
About MANISHA, the least said, the better. Leave aside looking bad and obese, she is looking gross in the movie, with her clothes perpetually fighting a losing battle to hold her in. Guess this is where the Director spent the most --- In having all her clothes rendered with double stitching !!! Or else, they would have torn at their seams.
If you have essentially nothing to do, yes, you can watch this film, if you are curious to find out for yourself to what a passe things have come to.