Hello friends this review is about emami vasocare petroleum jellly.
As we all use some of winter cream as winter starts, so I heard about emami vasocare petrolem jelly care and k btought it from market.I was egar to use it as heard much about from sources.
So I applied it gently on my skin at the begnning it feel so smoothing fragnence was good but later its fragarance disappears and it become sticky and oily.
Disadvantages of jelly are.
1-It is so oily.
2-It is so sticky.
3-It dosent last long.
4-After some time skin become more rough as it volatile after some time.
5-Packaging is also not good if it get warm it starts melting and come out to the box So friend this is my experiance all about the emami vasocare petroleum jelly I didnt found it so usefull as I expected Hope this review will help you all for using the products. Thank you.