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Member Since:Feb 21, 2016
1001 MS Points
I am a student and I am persuading bachelor of education.
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Oily and sticky
Reviewed Emami Vasocare Petroleum Jelly
Hello friends this review is about emami vasocare petroleum jellly. As we all use some of winter cream as winter starts, so I heard about emami vasocare petrRead more...
Music earpiece
Reviewed Intex Jogger BT On-Ear Bluetooth Headphone
Hi friends this review is about the earpeace bluetooth I am going to share my personal experience about it, I use to walk early in the morning for keeping mysRead more...
Freshness revealed
Reviewed Colgate ActiveSalt Tooth Paste
I am going to review about tha product named colgate active salt.As every one want to keep their tooth white and strong so colgate is one of the best product Read more...
Effective in headache
Reviewed Zandu Balm
I am going to reveiw about the producd named zandu balm , as we know now a days hadache is the big problem due to the mental pressure, tension, physicsl fatiqRead more...
Best way to pay.
Reviewed Freecharge
Hi frriends my todays review is about a website called freecharge, as I came to know about freecharge from another website called sneapdeal. as I am usiRead more...
Eesl led
Reviewed EESL LED Bulbs
Hi friends my todays review is about the led bulb, my personal experience about this product is not good, as we know everyone is conscious to save electRead more...
Reviewed The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies
Hi friends toaday I m going to review about a hollywood movie named THE HOBBIT- THE BATTLE OF FIVE ARMIES. Let me begin with its story is full of adventure fiRead more...
Reviewed Jupiter Theatre - Anna Salai - Thanjavur
Hey friends today I am going to post a review of jupiter theatre, it was a time when I visited a city form having some cahnge of air, me and my frriends are sRead more...
U 8 smart watch
Reviewed U Watch U8 Bluetooth Smartwatch
Hi friends today I am going to review about a smart watch named U8. So friends starting from its features. 1-It have bluetooth conectivity through which u caRead more...
Pears face wash
Reviewed Pears Face Wash
Hi friends this review is posted to tell you all about my personal experience about a face wash called pears, as every one knows about for what purpose face wRead more...
Pulse candy
Reviewed Pass Pass Pulse Candy
1-Hi friends this review is about my favourite candy called pulse candy, I am fond of it just because of its double layer taste when you open it from it packiRead more...
Killer jeans
Reviewed Killer Jeans
1-Hi friends today I am going to post a review on an apparel named as killer jeans, todays reveiw is based on my personal experience, As we know we are Read more...
Computer Mouse
Reviewed Enter E-W55 Wireless Optical Mouse
Hi friends this review is posted to tell u all about the Enter E-W55 Wireless Optical mouse. Now I am going to tell you why I prefer this mouse instead of noRead more...
Vox v 5555
Reviewed Vox V5555
Hi friends toady I am going to post reveiw on the cell phone name vox v5555, which is based on my personal experience, as I am m regular net user so I use to Read more...
Mazelo My favorite.
Reviewed Parle Mazelo
Hi friends today I am going to post a reveiw on one of my favourite toffee known as Mazelo, as its comes in many flavour but my favorite is mango and banana, Read more...
Smartprix-Smart as name.
Reviewed Smartprix
1-Hi friends today I am going to post a  review on a site called SMARTPRIX.COM  this review is based on mg personal experience.As I am using smartprix it  froRead more...
Bajaj Led Lightbulb.
Reviewed Bajaj LED Bulbs
Hi friends today I am going to review on bajaj led bulbs its my personal experience as we all know how the electric bills are always a headeach once I also haRead more...
Bar one chocolate.
Reviewed Nestle Bar One
Hi friends now I am going to post a review on a chocolate name Bar One whose tagline is Nestle Bar One: Kaafi Hai 1-It is a caramel based chocolate which hasRead more...
Boro Plus
Reviewed Boro Plus Antiseptic Cream
1-Hi friends today I am going to review about Boroplus Anti septic cream on my personal experience, Boroplus is a very popular and old product that has been iRead more...
Dettol liquid Handwash
Reviewed Dettol Liquid Handwash
1-Today I am going to review about dettol liquid hand its my personal experience that the Hand washing is one of the simplest and best ways to help prevent thRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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Nidhi Kashyap (@nidhikashyap210992MouthShut Verified Member)
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Dil 5N (@Dil5nMouthShut Verified Member)
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Ranjan Kaul (@caranjankaulMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nandni Kumari (@nandnikumari12372MouthShut Verified Member)
Sayalee Agrawal (@SayaleeAgrawal258MouthShut Verified Member)
Anand Patil (@RichlivetradeMouthShut Verified Member)
vaibhav461 (@vaibhav461MouthShut Verified Member)
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Abhishek Thapa (@abhishekthapa741MouthShut Verified Member)
Himanshu S (@Caribbean2024MouthShut Verified Member)
Sumana Basu (@basusumana80MouthShut Verified Member)
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Expected0wll (@Expected0wllMouthShut Verified Member)
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aastha702 (@aastha702MouthShut Verified Member)
Nimratpal Singh (@singhnamritpal9MouthShut Verified Member)
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Avinash Kumar (@avi_tenMouthShut Verified Member)
Ramanand Anand (@ramajnv03MouthShut Verified Member)
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Poonam Nandani (@goibibo_ibiboMouthShut Verified Member)
Akhil Gupta (@nobrokerMouthShut Verified Member)
swetha gowda (@swethagowda101MouthShut Verified Member)
Pankaj Jadhav (@pankajjadhav495MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 8
Debasish Halder (@debasishalderMouthShut Verified Member)
kareemahmed611 (@kareemahmed611MouthShut Verified Member)