Eminem is back with a VENGANCE! As corny as that may sound, when it comes to The Eminem Show it couldnt be truer.
I personally got this CD a few days ago and its more of the same, with whole new lyrics and songs. The Eminem Show will, in my opinion, basically give Eminem a few more lawsuits, especially from his mother and a few other artists, Eminem makes fun of and insults, all in his own special way that he has become so loved, hated, and famous for.
The main difference with this album and The Marshall Mathers is that The Eminem Show has a few darker songs than his previous CD as well as, in some songs, more of a gangster rapper rythm.
In my personal opinion, of course, The Eminem Show is the top hiphop/rap CD on the market today. As well as one the top CDs in the music industry.