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New Jersey
Member Since:Aug 27, 2002
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Education: high school
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Decent But Can Find Cheaper
Reviewed Videocon 45FDX
I have recently helped a friend of mine to find a new washing machine, and we looked at the Videocon 45FDX as a potential purchase. As far as computerized goeRead more...
How It All Began For Eminem!
Reviewed Slim Shady LP - Eminem
This, boys and gals, is how Eminems rapping career began, this was his 1st major LP (to some extent). To tell you the truth though this CD of his did noRead more...
Don't Want Viruses? This is your answer!
Reviewed Norton AntiVirus
I dont know what you really want a review on so Im guessing its on the Norton AntiVirus. The Norton AntiVirus Software is just that, an AntiVirusRead more...
Reviewed Eight Legged Freaks
Eight Legged Freaks is your typical overdone type of sci-fi, never have a chance of happening in real life, suposed to be a horror, but in reality being more Read more...
Just A Question
Reviewed General Thoughts About MouthShut
I have just recently joined Mouthshut.com and I am enjoying very much. However I have a question once I reach 600 points and I am to recieve a check, how muchRead more...
Why HP Is The Leading Printer Company!
Reviewed HP LaserJet 1000
Its printers like these that help rank HP at the top of the printer industry! The best thing about this printer is that it is a low costing laser printeRead more...
Great Printing Ability and Precision!
Reviewed Lexmark 4039
Lexmark is not a multi-billion dollar corporation for nothing....it is because of these printing products! I personally do not own a Lexmark printer but I havRead more...
IBM Continues Dominance
Reviewed IBM Thinkpad T20
IBM has always had a great standard of laptops and this laptop series continues that high standard that has made IBM the company it is today! I personally thiRead more...
Has Everything You Need And More!
Reviewed Microsoft Money 2001
Microsoft does create the best software in the world today, and the Microsoft Money 2001 is a great representation of that fact. Although Microsoft is coming Read more...
Not Bad But Just Outdated
Reviewed Palm III
The Palm three handheld database, is not really bad just outdated. I mean this particular Palm product was put out in the year 2000. Some time has passed sincRead more...
Great Machine
Reviewed IBM PC 3L series
IBM continues its great work in the computer manufacturing industry! This computer is one of IBMs premiere computer series, beaten by very few other comRead more...
A Work of Art!!! (mildly put)
Reviewed IBM Aptiva X - series
Well, <ahah (sigh)> what can one say? A work of art! And that is putting it calmly and mildly. Manufacturing computers like these is what what made IBM Read more...
Another Hit By Dell!
Reviewed Dell Dimension XPS T500
This is the reason that Dell Computer is the leading computer company in the United States of America today! The Dell Dimension XPS T500 computer is an absoluRead more...
Great For Personal Use!
Reviewed Compaq Deskpro EP X series
COMPAQ is one of the most trusted Computer making brands in America and in the world and one of the worlds best selling computer companies! And this newRead more...
Its What He has Become Known, Loved, and Hated Fo
Reviewed Marshall Mathers - Eminem
Well what can you really say? There is only one Eminem, and only one Marshall Mathers! Love him (as many do), hate him (as many also do), you got to respect hRead more...
Like only Eminem can!!! Hellva a song collection!
Reviewed Eminem Show - Eminem
Eminem is back with a VENGANCE! As corny as that may sound, when it comes to The Eminem Show it couldnt be truer. I personally got this CD a few days aRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed dazzlingpiscean
Rated on dazzlingpiscean's review
Commented on dazzlingpiscean's review
I have watched 'Dragon Fly' on more than on occasion and I just read your review of 'Dragon Fly' and am very pleased to say that it was, in my opinion, wonderful. I esspecially liked the way you desribed the movie without giving away scenes that would ruin the movie for one who may not have had the Read More...
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Expected0wll (@Expected0wllMouthShut Verified Member)
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Pankaj Jadhav (@pankajjadhav495MouthShut Verified Member)
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Elizabet KEZHEVA (@france7coolMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nikhil Jaglan (@nikhiljaglan275MouthShut Verified Member)
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Anuj Sharma (@biggi15MouthShut Verified Member)