I have three Aquaguard water Purifiers in my house, which I purchased at different times believing in their high-pitch advertisement campaigns.
Now only I realize that they are absolutely horrible when it comes to service, and would like to advise prospective buyers not to fall into their fraudulent marketing campaigns.
This particular case belongs to my AquaSure Galaxy model, which is still running its warranty period. Within 2 months of installation the tap assembly started heavily leaking and when I contacted service center, they said they will take minimum 72 hours even to make a visit. Since I could not wait that long, I opened the assembly, tightened myself and since then it was working fine. For almost a month now the flow slowed, and then stopped completely, although the candle is fully functional, new and working.
I booked a web-based service request on 25th August and then obtained a service request number 7459017162. When I wanted to follow up the status on the web it says I do not get any information as 72 hours was not yet over.(You may die of thirst, but Maharaja Aquaguard cannot be moved!) On the 4th day I called up the Call center Number and to my horror I discovered that they cannot trace my web based Service request number. They gave me another complaint number 72817658 and promised that a service person will report the same day. A person came on the same day, smartly dressed, but could not speak a single word other than Kannada. He made me to understand that he only serviced electrically operated Aquaguards( I have also one of those), and cannot service my complaint on Aquasure.
For the next 3 days I am contacting the Call center and every time the concerned person at the other end promised that a service person would come the same day, which compelled me to stick to my house waiting for that vanishing character. Today I got another complaint registration number 88813692 with the advice that, being a Sunday, a service person will come only tomorrow. GOD only knows whether Ill get a complaint number or a service person tomorrow.
My fellow sufferers, if you believe contaminated water can affect your health, believe in GOD rather than depend on AQUAGUARD. At least GOD is trustworthy unlike cheaters like AQUAGUARD . If you buy a AQUAGUARD device and shall have problem(problem you will have because their design and manufacturing quality is very poor) you will get only dozens of complaint number but negative service.( Negative because you will spend on making endless phone calls and waste time waiting for a non-existent service person.