Better to buy water from outside than go for Aquaguard products.Their product is so sub standard that it gives repeated problems and you have to pay Rs 5000 for yearly servic which means around Rs 500 per month for the life of the equipment even after you paid Rs 15000 for the equipment.If you do not take AMC.
The items are bound to fail continously and if it fails, you have pay massive charges for spares and service. This is a company without ethic and morals.They are modern day Shylocks.
I call upon Cyrus Mistry to please investigate the working of this company.This company neither has the ethics nor values of a TATA company.
Either they should supply a product( after paying through the nose) where there is minimum service requirement or if it requires continuous service, the charges should be reasonable.
It is very sad that the the poor consumer is not organised.Otherwise, we should have throw these thugs into the offal bins of history .