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Member Since:May 31, 2010
2 MS Points
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Taxi for Sure- Sure Recipe for Disaster
Reviewed TaxiForSure
My Complain lodged with Taxi for Sure on 1st April is yet to be addressed. I Mini taxi was booked for my cousin  vide ref TFS-AT-C-13292267 and confirmed vidRead more...
What is Aviation Minister doing?
Reviewed SpiceJet
I do not know what Ashok Gajapati Raju is doing. Spicejet is playing with the lives of people by cancelling all flights at their convenience and not even refuRead more...
Better to buy water than go for Aquaguard product
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Aquaguard Total Reviva Water Purifier
Better to buy water from outside than go for Aquaguard products.Their product is so sub standard that it gives repeated problems and you have to pay Rs 5000 fRead more...
Best e-commerce site.
Reviewed Homeshop18
It is without a doubt the best e-commerce site In India especially for books. I had ordered a book earlier through Amazon. After getting the order and receiviRead more...
Should be thrown into the Amazon river
Reviewed Amazon
I had placed order on Amazon as a gift for someone. I had booked by paying full amount. After 10 days, they cancelled the order stating that book is not availRead more...
Nefarious Criminals!
Reviewed Book Add
Bookadda are nefarious criminals. I had booked a book by paying full amount through Amazon. After 10 days, they cancelled the order stating that book is not aRead more...
Reviewed Kotak Securities
This is the worst. No competition for them for this extraordinary incompetence. The only word which describes them is the worst. I have to change English GraRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sgthampi's review
Thampi sar.They have removed the license of HBJ capital.Now ,they are trying to come out as OSAR capital.Same thugs with a different name.
Commented on own review
Incompetent scoundrels.Ragpickers.For God's sake,please touch Taxi for sure if you surely want to be miserable and feel cheated.Extraordinairy incompetent management,ruffian drivers,third class taxis.Everything is third class about this company!
Thampi sar is 100% correct.
Thank you Sharmila Vedantha. Meru Cab is the most professional and Taxi for Sure is the worst.Without any doubt. Extremely good review by Ujwal Hegde.
Commented on pathanrahimn's review
Gajapathi Raju seems to have woken up.But he is reluctant to take any action.He does not have the guts to arrest the Marans and put them under bars for such shoddy running of airlines .Kalanithi and Kaveri should repay every single rupee owed to the creditors and customers whose refund they are not Read More...
Spice jet is the world's worst airline.Should be banned for life.Is Gajapati Raju sleeping?
Commented on spr2010's review
Most third class Airline.Should be banned for ever.
Commented on gopaltetali's review
100% True. They ask Rs 4200 for replacement of three filters. That too every year.The pre filter costs another Rs 1000.If you call Eureka Forbes as first rate thieves,it is a very big understatement.
For Aquaguard Service is a business. They make more money in Service .That is why they are bothered only about making money and not service .First rate charlatans!
Commented on charlesrajkumars's review
Earlier this was aTata company.Now,a company run by Shapoorji Pallonji.No ethics,no values.You cannot expect anything better from them.Switch over to Kent /Tata Swach/Zero B,Voltas ,LFG or HUL.Never go for Aquaguard even if it is the only purifier available.
Commented on kiran123550's review
It is a question of management.This management is crooked and unethical.Look at the frauds they have perpetrated in their group companies.
Commented on radhaa.shah's review
Spice Jet-Customer focus is 0.This is a fraud management .Hope Govt Bans spicejet for ever and brings in Air Asia which is more customer focused.
Commented on ritzcool4u's review
Spicejet is a fraud company carried on by Fraud management of Maran Brothers who are already embroiled in so many cases.They are trying to escape from India with all the money.So ,never travel in spicejet..
Commented on vivg's review
You are right.Every scrip recommended by them hits stop loss first.
Commented on vivekpande's review
Please add the name Anjali also.She is the deadliest and most Cunning creature on earth.She has no scruples,no values.Her only aim is to cheat customers and amass wealth.
Commented on AshIndia's review
Please follow future recommendation given in Zee TV and trade cautiously.You will make 10 times profit than in Capital Via.
Commented on bck2binu's review
You cannot find bigger cheats than Capital Via.There is one lady called Anjali who is the biggets cheat of them all.She is ruthless,cunning and makes you takes some package by bluffing you.After you take the package,she says you have to upgrade and pay extra.Even in upgraded package,you only make lo Read More...
Rated on bck2binu's review
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subash2025638 (@subash2025638MouthShut Verified Member)
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
Anjali Shandilya (@DS_MAXMouthShut Verified Member)
Moin Ali (@mnzeee21MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 99
Akashaditya Lama (@akashadityalamaMouthShut Verified Member)