Those who are frustrated with daily dust problems; those who stay on ground floor and daily face extremely dusty floor which should be sweeped twice in a day this wet and dry VC is good for them.
Now allow me to tell my survay before I made my decision finalized before buying this product.
I visited many shops and had a look at atleast dozen different VC. My main criteria about buying a VC with a advantage of Blower facility (When u are cleaning a cobwebs I have observed that bolwer works better than suction). Also I was looking for a big dust collector. So as per the survay only this vaccum cleaner gives all that I was looking for. So finalised this one; booked one and now got one at home.
The main thing I like about this is its big dust collector. The dust chamber is very easy to open. and the dual filter assembly ensures no dust particles will not enter into motor assembly.!! very few VC got such mechanism.
The way it sucks the water is really amazing. It leaves the ground almost dry; even if you are using heavy soap cleaning the ground becomes a minute task!! One thing should users should remember REMOVE BOTH AIR FILTERS BEFORE USING WET FUNCTION AND ADD EXTRA GASKET PROVIDED BY COMPANY.
One good thing about this VC is blower function! Its like a mini jet. really powerful. It can blow upto last dust particle. Its got a small nozzle pipe attatchment with which one can concentrate the blow. also to reduce the blow pressure special holes are provided on the duct. This is very useful while one is using the VC on computers and tape recorders / cd players or say any delicate objects. It gives a kinda soft blow!
Frankly speaking about the company service - till date never faced any problem with this VC. Our usage of VC is kind of once in a week for full 2-3 hours. And wet function we use once in a month.
Im using this since last 10 months. But still didnt faced any rusting problems or any damaged parts. Hope this VC lasts long.
On the other side, I feel this product is highly overpriced! I would like to buy this at price tag of 6-7 thousands where as other companies selling their VC @ cost of around 2-5000. infact some of the eureka forbs VC costs less that 5K. In such scene just adding wet function doesnt make any sense to me to give sudden 5K hike in cost....
Other VC owners .. Comments please..