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Member Since:Dec 03, 2006
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Amazingly powerful !!
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Euroclean Wet and Dry
Those who are frustrated with daily dust problems; those who stay on ground floor and daily face extremely dusty floor which should be sweeped twice in a day Read more...
King of average - CD Deluxe
Reviewed Hero Honda CD 100 Deluxe
Hello guies, Thanks for appreciation from all of you on my review of maruti 800. Here is another review on the CD deluxe. I bought this month. Spec. about Read more...
Tips for M800 - Unleash the beast within !!
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki 800
Hello all maruti lovers, All would like to share my experiments with maruti 800 (Year 1990 , Type 1). Yah, I know its quiet old to do some mind blowing expeRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sd.1978's review
I have traveled about 500 Km in one trip Mumbai - Karnataka. It took me about 11 hours to cover that distance. Generally take as many halts as you can since M800 is not at all comfortable for longer drivers else at the end of the day back may start paining. Take 15 - 20 min. halt after every two hou Read More...
Commented on superhuman's review
Seems your driving habits are going wrong in first gear. Try this one out - release half clutch & give some accelerator and then release the remaining clutch. This way car do not give jerks. Once you become fully aware with this process your car will stop giving jerks. This method is also helpful wh Read More...
Commented on rahul0708's review
Review sounds good. However I am not 100% agree with this. Since I have driven two & four wheeler (both more than 10000 Km) and experimented on them for different types of fuels say Premium (With friction buster additive) from Indian Oil and Power from HP and Speed from BP. I have personally landed Read More...
Commented on pramenon35's review
Give a second thought to Tata Safari VTT with new generation engine, with the same macho looks. Also its available in fully loaded version i.e. ABS, EBD, Airbags etc.
Commented on Yourboy's review
Hey thats a pretty smart review for a new age smart bikes. But readers would like to know how many max KM u have traveled in a single charge. Means, in a single charge how far a bike can go?Since the company given rating is always different than what we get on road.
Commented on subodhmouth's review
Gulati is right its got good VFM. But even I opted for HH CD Deluxe. Gives me top speed of about 90 on highways and if driven smoothly @ 30-40 Kmph gives milage of about 70. Till Date no issues with any part. only once average gone down to 40 ... :( cleaned and tuned carb. and the average is back on Read More...
Commented on kripanidhi's review
Guys, why we cant think about the cheaper Indian alternatives than going for multinational brands. I never heard any issues with the Safari Dicor except rattling doors. I think rattling doors are a easy fix for any mechanic if compared with serious issue with the breaking system.....
Commented on imaya_js's review
Hey Good try with a review. I agree with the pickup problem. Just want to suggest one thing here; see if you can manage to install K&N air filters which costs a good amount (between 3500-10,000 depending on model and part no), but its worth + couple of more performance accessories like Mobil synth Read More...
Rated on imaya_js's review
Commented on maddys's review
Hey, Nice review written man, One thing here i would like to share, see if you can try with ur car as well. Adding a little amout of 2T engine oil (10-15ml per liter) with fuel helps engine to run more smoother plus u get more average(One mechenic suggested me this method). I tried it with M800
Rated on iqbal.khuraishi's review
Commented on abhigupt's review
Thanks for the perfect and to the point review. It would be added advantage if you wrote some more technical details. Ya, its true Suzuki engineers are as good as honda engineers !! By the way any chances for Disel version ....like swift disel....Just curious ... :-) Any ways, Keep it up. Read More...
Rated on modemnoise's review
Rated on Anurag_Iyer's review
Commented on Anurag_Iyer's review
Hi buddy, Can we have more details on this. As on, such a good appreciation of average (18 in City), We all are curious to know the under the hood configuration of this Disel Swift. Like horse power, engine capacity, Pickup in second and all stuff. Since i would like to copare this with the Tata Read More...
Rated on alk_ranjan's review
Commented on nairit's review
Any one have any idea about the Castrol GTX magnetic engine oil for bikes ?? This oil is 10W40 and specially designed for car engines. Car runs amazing on this oil, so any idea if we can put this oil since we put 20W40 engine in bike.. Experts, comment please. Regd/Parag
Commented on own review
Recently I cleaned bike's chain with Kerosene. Cleaning is fairly easy job, just open the chain cover, keep poaring the kerosene until the black dirt start dropping from the chain. Keep doing this until the clean kerosene start dropping. While doing this Keep the engine running and bike on first / s Read More...
Commented on sachinkumarg's review
Yah man, I completely agree with Ohplease ! What he commented is 100% correct as there are thousands of jobs available. Also this review is seems specially written in favor of Jetking ! FIY I am a part of Wipro Manage IT team ! Other members, comments please !
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