Their whole team is messed up bunch of idiots.They just have 2 teams - 1 team to call and grab your money.
Another team is called customer service who will tackle the call when you dont get any interviews.
They dont have any team who are working to get you interviews.All they do is call and say you will have interview on saturday from accenture.Hope accenture finds this and sue you guys.They are all trained to cheat.
The first team is well expert in convincing you to pay 5k to get inteviews scheduled.The second team is pathetic.They either talk politely to just calm u down for a while or just laugh at you.I had a terrible experience when they put my call in speaker and laughed at my complaints in group.When I asked why they were laughing all they said is "Come on, you are making us laugh".They kept making fun of my situation.
They dont even have a work ethics.If there were any option to report it to police, I would definitely do it.
Never trust them.It will just increase your mental stress.You are just paying 5k to get mocked by those filthy cheats.
I hope you get arrested soon
I dont want to sound racist here. Thats not the intention.I am just writing this based on what I have observed.
All the employees in Exalt have Muslim Names and almost all the positive comments are from Muslims Names. So there is a pattern. So, If you see any positive comments from any Muslim Names, it means they are friends with Exalt and trying to help them. This is just from what I have observed and not to make any discrimination. Hope people take this in the right way just to filter the fake reviews.