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Member Since:Jul 07, 2014
1152 MS Points
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Cheaters!! Not trying to sound racist.
Reviewed Exalt Consulting
Their whole team is messed up bunch of idiots.They just have 2 teams - 1 team to call and grab your money. Another team is called customer service who will tRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
mehtarajendra80: I can download any pics from google and give a real name like mehta rajendra or mehta sharma or rajendra khan. I am not doing like some people. I have filed a police complaint with my real name. I dont need to post my real name or give my full details so that people like you can mo Read More...
Commented on abhidheer2588's review
ya.. why dont u gimme ur contact details and ur addres
Rated on gulam785's review
Rated on abhidheer2588's review
One of the fake message
Rated on sandychat12786's review
Commented on sandychat12786's review
This is one of the fake message.
Rated on shivajithemaratha's review
Commented on shivajithemaratha's review
This one is so Fake
Rated on ankitakash2003's review
Rated on zaheershiekh786's review
Commented on zaheershiekh786's review
This looks really fake.
Rated on djakashkumar's review
Rated on satvikbosekolkata's review
Commented on satvikbosekolkata's review
This sounds so fake.
kabeershahstar I know you are friends with Exalt, and you are trying to support. I can say that from your name. Dear EXALT, If you are trying to cover up your mistake, do it without making it so obvious.
Dharmindia789 If you have got the offer and you really care about Exalt Consulting.. Why dont you post your offer letter and proof that exalt has helped you
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