EXALT Consulting Placement Services, Bangalore.This company is a complete fraud and trickster. They hire executives who are conmen who give tall claims stating they will provide jobs in MNCs and that they regularly do so. They have a proper office setup so DO NOT BE FOOLED by it. Once you pay, the executive will not pick your call, you will get curt mails stating, "we are working on your profile”. Their landlines go unanswered and are rarely answered by very rude and impolite executives who even make snide comments.
Forget about interviews, they will send fake mails, that too 1 or 2 in number naming some unknown company where they have supposedly sent your resume. Nothing happening there, rest assured.
Also their promise that they will refund your money if they fail in providing services is a lie. They came up with a form after sending mails for a month, (I sent 6 mails, and called thousands of times).Then they sent a form, you then send the form back and again wait for a month, keep sending mails, they will not respond. Then they say you have to wait another 3 months till they decide whether to refund or not!
They have sent me a letter stating they will ESTIMATE whether they should give me my money back, though they have not provided a single job vacancy / interview details.
And that too they will take another 3 months to ESTIMATE their hard efforts done on my profile, which by the way consists of taking my resume and sitting on it.
In the meantime I got a great job through another consultancy which charged me nothing! so much for expert consultancy service
Their promise that they will refund your money if they fail to provide the service to you is false. They say they will give refund after 3 months from date of registration. But after dancing around for 1 month after the stipulated time they are now saying they will ESTIMATE my CLAIM! and take another 3 MONTHS!
I have sent a legal notice to them and will log a case in consumer forum as such companies should not be let to have their own way.
The fees may be small, but they are duping unsuspecting people thus I intend to file a case against these conmen.
I would further add that do not be fooled by their rosy pictures they go to the extent of promising jobs overseas, me and my spouse had gone together and luckily only I registered and they promised me the likes of JP Morgan, Capgemini to name a few companies.
For my husband this lady Sania said she can get a job overseas in weeks, they say they will align interviews, prepare you with material, get your resume worked on, give study material and many such long winded claims.
Thankfully we decided to go ahead with my registration only though she was very nice and convincing.
From the next day onwards she smartly stopped receiving my calls! Did not pick once, that’s the first signal I got of their trickery.
Three names that I know of their executives are Sania, Sahil and Hussian, avoid these people like palgue.
And their so called services are they will send you a mail stating"we have sent your resume to this company", name of which will not ever have been heard of.
So forget your 4500 and know that Sania has had a weeks dinner out of your hard earned money.
and log a complaint.