I had booked a airticket through ezeego1 in december under the promotion program of 1 free ticket (Reference no. EZR-2007-408505/A). But when I tried to claim my free ticket , the website and also the customer care reported that there are no tickets available. There was no disclaimer stating that there are only limited no of seats/ tickets available.
Similar thing has happened with my friend in the same website. I think its been happening quite often with ezeego1. Even after repeated reminders and requests through emails and telephonically no action has been taken by them. I should have gone to the consumer court but for time constraints. But the moment I get some free time I will do the same. I think these people are frauding a lot. Something needs to be done against them. Atleast all the readers are requested to be carefull about the promotion program of this site. Extremely poor organisation these people are running. There is no difference between them and you know what.