I did not find these cream that good. I am using these cream from last one month..........but nothing noticeable cahnge has seen in my skin.
Even my skin has now become litle dry by using these cream....so its better to go for ayurvedic treatment it is much better than using these fairness product who cheats us by falsely disguissing the people and misguiding them......so I surely that dont blindly beleib\ve in this just by seeing this advertisement ....I have realy had a bad experience in using this product.
So I blindly say that dont go for it....now the adverisment is done in a such way that people blindly beleieve in it...........so plz be careful using these productr.and dont go just becoz that some celebrity is using and promoting these product.people have these in mind that if they use these product that they would become fairer but this not the case.........