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Member Since:Aug 05, 2009
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: BE(IT)
Food and Drinks: chinese food ,seet lime sodaBooks: not interestedMovie Stars: amir khanMovies: namastey londonT.V. Shows: only sportsMusic: slow romanticsongsQuotes: give always ur best
Food and Drinks: chinese food ,seet lime soda
Books: not interested
Movie Stars: amir khan
Movies: namastey london
T.V. Shows: only sports
Music: slow romanticsongs
Quotes: give always ur best
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Is it rite to give tips to waiters
Reviewed General Tips on Tipping
Recently I had gone to a restaurant in colaba.named of the restuarant was koilas. its one of the best restaurant I have been to. Good location.surroundings iRead more...
They are worth of high payment
Reviewed Should Sport Personalities Recieve High Prize Money
Now the buzz is going on all around the world why the cricketers are getting paaid so much.even in the times of recession while most of the people all around Read more...
Nokia 2330
Reviewed Nokia 2330c
Went and bought Nokia 2330 Classic. What does it have? Almost all basic features that you expect from mobile phone these days and bluetooth. 128x160 , 64K scRead more...
Fairness skin cream
Reviewed Fair & Lovely Cream
I did not find these cream that good. I am using these cream from last one month..........but nothing noticeable cahnge has seen in my skin. Even my skin hasRead more...
Love aaj kal-Pathetic movie
Reviewed Tips on Watching Movies
Recently I saw a movie called love aaj kal starring saif ali khan and deepika padukone.I was so torchered by seeing the acting of deepika padukone that I was Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on msnsrini's review
thanx for sharing this information..........keep writng more reviews so we could get more information
Rated on msnsrini's review
Commented on sonali.prabhu's article
about ur company i saw in ur profilee tht ur engineering by profession so could u tell me in which company u were working h\that gave 33 leaves
Fake reviews about Bigshoebazaar.com
Commented on ketul_shah's review
hey all know this movie.............why u have wriiten a review on this i dont know.........
Commented on Dr.Shafique's review
its purely copy paste review.plz put something on your own
Commented on livehappy's article
good information hey one of my frnd staying in altanta had share this infgormation with me ........if i get a chance i would surely visit this...........now i am reading ur diary always .now i am waiting for ur review .....hope u write it soon
Our Visit to "World of Coca-Cola", Atlanta, GA. USA - July, 2008
Commented on Wendy320's article
realy touched hey have u wriiten realy nice poem,,,,,,,,keep on wriiting ....we hope u would write a review one day soon
To Blossom Blue
Rated on rameshbaboo's review
Commented on rameshbaboo's review
i think u r the employee of clear trip promoting ur company stop fooling people ............now all the people know that clear trip is the biggest fraud company and sicnerely we should put upa case againstr them
Commented on sunita.behra's review
review is not at all complete just personal experience or may be promotion of hotel.
Commented on aparnabanerjeepaul's review
kunal khandwala you gget your brain check as well eye check up..........u dont know how to rate the movie.........it was a realy disaster by rakesh mehra
Commented on Cindy's review
Was this review or it was just timepass ....write a review on it yaar
Commented on shah.rizwan's review
Ur sounnding more frustated person than ur review .........be liitle relax yaar ......everyone faces this problem yaar
Commented on bhupeshrai's review
i dont agree with u on delhi6...........it was worst ,torcherd movie i have seen ............how can anyone like delhi6..........it was one horrible movie till date in 2009..........
Rated on karan1986's review
Commented on karan1986's review
Please mention excat address of resturant, which food veg & or nonveg
Followed karan1986
Rated on fedup2009's review
Commented on G-raptor's article
enjoyed the post........rock on guys first cheers to u dude......u realy write welll...i totlay aggree with u......dost ke beech mein darrar yeah ladkiya hi karate hai.... hamre dost bhi ladki dekhar fisal jate hai aur aur unki side lete hai
I hate girls!!!! ;P
Commented on pathetic_colleges's review
well now with the world of corporates i think these reasons stand valid... thanks for the feedback... it is useful
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aayanshsharma795 (@aayanshsharma795MouthShut Verified Member)
Nirant Dekate (@noddy989MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vikrant Acharya (@Livspace_officialMouthShut Verified Member)
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