I dont know who FnY is still in business. They do not know how to manage online orders, despite there being great models like amazon to learn from.
so below is my original review of my first order which was a disaster. at the same time I had 2 other pending orders with fny. I have realized that their customtakeouter service and processes are so messed up!
i had a order which they dispatched through pan city. I was given a awb number on request and when I wrote back saying pancity cant find my order, they wrote back saying we are not able to find contact information for pancity and you please find it yourself and track it! I finally found pancity information and called them. they said they got the package 4 days after fny said they dispatched it.
for another order they again sent me an email saying it is with pancity. pancity didnt have it. I wrote back to fny. they wrote back saying, we didnt dispatch it the other day, we have today with dtdc.
i kept getting replies for the same complaint from at least 3 different people till I got so fedup I marked suport@fashionandyou.com as SPAM! so now thankfully I am not receiving various emails from different people at fny on the same complaint, with different information. they dont seem to have ONE system that they can update status of complaints so people dont repeatedly spam the customtakeouter.
longer story of another aggravation below:
i am sorry to say my FIRST experience with FnY has been awfully disappointing. FnY organization has not shown one sign of competence so far. so here is my story of the inane endless blunders and mismanagement by FnY ORDER NUMBER 193219
on the 16th of jan placed an order for a set of travel bags / suitcases. the purchase process was smooth. AFTER I finished the purchase, a confirmation page showed up which also had link for a excel sheet that showed pin codes that they deliver to. Why is it popping up AFTER I have gone through the process. MOREOVER, their software is so outdated that it doesnt identify that the pincode inserted is not acceptable? their system should have rejected the pincode when I inserted it in the shipping details itself.
so now I had already placed the order. either the next day or the day after, i.e. the 17th or the 18th of jan, I called their customtakeouter care (which has an average of 10 minutes of waiting time) and got the address changed. all well so far.
on the 22nd of jan, I got an email saying that my package has been dispatched and I should get it in 2-7 days. I was very pleased.
on the 31st, I called to check why my package hasnt arrived.(12 minutes of waiting time! seriously they think I have nothing better to do?) the guy tells me that the shipping details is showing the the address is out of delivery area! how can they guys make a mistake like that and send it to the wrong address in a day when we have computers to record information?
i told him the whole story and that I have changed the address, he checked and the corrected address was already in the system. he said he would send a reminder and it would be shipped soon.
on the 2nd of feb I called again to check if it had been sent.(average of 10 min wait time) Guess what! The incompetent souls had not sent the package and I had the same conversation I had on the 31st AGAIN. I was assured it would be dispatched in 24hours.
on the 3rd feb afternoon(around 24hours later) I call again since by now I know that fny is managed by a bunch of unreliable people. I was told that the system shows that it is due for dispatch the same day and that it will be done by the end of day. I was happy.
on the 4th I call again(10 minute hold time!) to make sure it has been sent. the girl tells me, "maam your package has been sent on the 22nd, you should get it today!" can you beat this? I felt like I am talking to aliens who do not speak the same language as I do! I told her the whole story AGAIN and she put me on hold to check it out. I just hung up!
I called again in 5 or 10 minutes(8 minute hold time) and this time I am told, "your package is still with the courier company and it will be dispatched only once we get it back from the courier company!"
so on the 6th of july evening, I wrote a complaint letter to FnY. its been almost a whole working day since the email and I have received no acknowledgement or response.
what am I to say to these guys? why did the customtakeouter service people I spoke to on the 31st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th not tell me this in the first place. now my faith in FnY is beyond negative and I dont know whether to believe the last person I spoke to as well! s
so now, I am back to not knowing what they are doing with my package or when I can expect it. they say they take 21 days from the date of purchase to deliver . its been more than that now!
well, so now it is time for me to say, I have given them enough chances and it is time for this public review of FnY.
- so I would like to give them credit for one of their complaints which is the hold time on the call. the hold time is drastchandru021y reduced to about 30seconds. well done, fny. I hope to see improvement on the dispatch and delivery of my order as well.
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