Hey I’m the same person who had already posted the review on Palio Stile(abhi4032). I had updated it and I wanted to post it as a new review since no one checks my older review which is at the bottom. So updating the review in the old review is just waste. So once again I have to create a new mail id and join this site and post a new review.
First of all congrats to all the Palio Stile buyers and good luck for all the ones who are going to buy Palio Stile. I had already written a review on Palio Stile, but it’s an overlook only which I had written 2 weeks after buying it. In this review I’m going to write everything what I’ve experienced with it.
Introduction about Performance: As I mentioned earlier that the engine was borrowed from Fiat Panda 4x4(fuel efficient engine). So this engine is not originally designed by Fiat India engn neither Panda 4x4 has power of 57bhp and Torque of 92Nm. Moving on to the topic. What I’ve experienced with Fiat Paio Stile is that this car is not meant for the people who love to cruise around 120kmph. I accept that the car is underpowered but can be driven in city traffic and in highways also without any tension or pain. The transmission is ease in use. There is no difficulty in shifting gears. The suspensions were also nicely placed. The car moves neatly from pat holes to cement roads to uneven mud roads also. Well the brakes are very efficient, can be stopped at 80kmph within a few yards only. The tubeless tyres are on of the attracting things found in the car. Since Tubeless has a very good grip to the roads unlike getting drifted or to loose control.
My experience: I had a long drive from Hyderabad to Shiridi(to & fro) nearly 1550kms. I’ve maintained an average speed of 100-110kmph the vehicle was rock steady. I was feeling very comfortable while driving the car, since I’ve also driven Indica and Santro but they were the weird cars compared to Palio in driving conditions. The vehicle had delivered me a mileage of 18-20kmpl (app) and I’ve loaded the tank with 70ltr (to & fro). The AC was working all over the way. Without Ac I may get 22kmpl in highway mileage. I, with 4 of the other members of my family went to Shirdi. We sat very comfortable. Driving position for me was very comfortable. I felt tired by driving the car non-stop for seven hours. But what I felt that the car is a lot better when compared to Indica and Santro in long drives. Indica and santro were only meant for getting better mileage, that’s it, no comfort in it. There were three persons in the rear seat and said that the vehicle was very comfortable to sit and it is not too crampy. The handling was pretty much good. I can easily handle the car at 100kmph speed also. The cabin was slightly shaking and when I said about it to the dealer. He said there is no problem in the cabin shaking since every car around 1100cc tends to light shaking and is common in all the cars and he also said that Palio stile is a lot better in such cases when compared to the other cars. My top speed on this car was 125kmph and it took me a lot of time to reach that speed. The cabin has a zero level noise when I was driving the car around 100kmph. Listening to the songs and driving on highways with this car is juat the fun times.
I had delivered the car to the service center for a free coupon. Till now this was my first free servicing and I had no problem with the car and with the servings too. The servicing had cost me Rs0/- except nominal charges. Till now the expenditure I’ve spent on it was only petrol. In city limits it delivered me a mileage of 14kmpl. Now the car has been delivered to me back from the service center as it is delivered from the showroom. There was no grease marks on the vehicles interior and exterior also. Even they had changed side indicators to new ones replacing the old orange ones with the new white indicator. They also replaced the headlamp with a new ones and it’s all for free.
Interiors & Exteriors: Since every body knows about the interiors and exteriors, I don’t want to talk about this. Viewer can find a brief detail in raju4tel Palio Stile review. Since I don’t have a lot of space to post a big review. Moreover this is about my highway experienced with Palio Stile.
So this is my first experience with the Palio Stile until first servicing. I thought of updating this review in the older review, but no one checks it out since it was at the bottom of the page.
Overall the car was rocin in city and highways also.