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Member Since:Sep 14, 2007
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Famous In All Types (FIAT)
Reviewed Fiat Palio Stile
Hey I’m the same person who had already posted the review on Palio Stile(abhi4032). I had updated it and I wanted to post it as a new review since no one checRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on saurabhjain2005's review
Commented on saurabhjain2005's review
Hey Nice review man, myself enjoying the palio stile. But your review says that you literally hate Maruti's & Hyundai's. Initially I too faced some criticizing comments on my car. But I never cared for those words.
Commented on prasad_madhira's review
I'm having a Motorizr Z3. Everything same but its a java based phone. modmymoto.com is the right place to mod your phone with applications, skins, DRM's and a lot more stuff. Modding your phone will break the warranty. So if your planning to mod then make a backup of your phone. You can get all th Read More...
Commented on shashi76's review
Congrats Shashi on your new SLE stile. I suppose Getz is giving around 13-14kmpl. Even Getz is sluggish a little bit. But not that much of eyecatcher
Commented on diwakarthakur's review
Fiat is planning to launch Palio Stile MJD in the march of 2008. A message from Fiat India says that price starts from 4.75L. Features are equal to 1.6 sport like alloys, a new spoiler. Can't comment on the interior part, but the seats are funky with maroon and biege mixture. http://img412.images Read More...
Commented on ragheshrs's review
You got SLX in just Rs 403000. Man Unbelievable. Is there any discounts right now. Coz the x showroom price is only 3.93. How did you managed to get it for Rs 4.03 on road........
Congrats on your new ride. Did you bought SLE or SL
My advice is that just wait for March 2008. Then you can check the new Fiat Palio stile 1.3 multijet(diesel). I suppose that its worth waiting.
Rated on diwakarthakur's review
Rated on ragheshrs's review
Commented on mvksastry's review
Fiat Palio multijet is going to launch in March 2007 and it is confirmed by Fiat India. The price could be around 4.7L. There are some difference in the vehicle. The tail lamps colour has been changed, a spoiler added, a new red fiat logo and the features equal to 1.6 sport like alloys. Fiat is plan Read More...
Commented on planty's review
You have a official dealer for Fiat in Tunisia.......I havent heard about Fiats in North Africa like Tunisia. I have an idea that Morocco has some Fiat cars like Palio and Uno..
Commented on dkariro's review
agsuresh Fiat is launching Grande Punto in June 2008. The actual owner of Multijet engine. Since Fiat is planning to price this car at 5 lacs. I think this would give a tremendous competition for Swift. I suppose TATA will launch Indica with Multijet only after the launch of Grande Punto.
dkariro, Well a good review. But the cost is imbalance to the market. Who is goin to but a premium hatchback for 7laks. Okay the car has a good technology but it should have made it to 5-6 lacs. i suupose that this car will also follow the tracks of Chevy SRV. Even that vehicle also priced very h Read More...
Congrats n your new car. Enjoy driving this Italian Beauty.
Rated on mvksastry's review
Commented on rishikhajuria's review
I had touched 120kmph after applying a lot of pressure on accelerator for a long time. In city I had never exceeded 75kmph. In hyderabad its a great thing.
Commented on muralidkris's review
Congrats on your new car. A bit low fuel efficient but imagine the power. Just like Zip Zap. How is the handling. Is there any difference in 1.1 and 1.6 handling. Iam using 1.1 Stile and I found it awesome.
Rated on muralidkris's review
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