Sure There are lots of Top class performers in hollywood.But given this category, we sure cant include all of them.This is to showcase five of what we individually feel are best. So here goes folks. These are my choice of top performers, my top guns, and dont mind the order.
1) My introduction to English films goes way back into the past, but my appreciation of performances came relatively later. Still, one of the first movie series that is etched into me are the Dirty Harry Series, Starring the cool Clint Eastwood, as the slit-eyed Cop, quoting Go Ahead, Make My day. And the westerns starring the same.Ah yes, here was my Hero. Clint Starred in a lot of movies, but I remember hime notably well, in Good, Bad, The Ugly, Where Eagles Dare, Unforgiven, Dirty Harry. He sure figures on my list, say what u might.
2)He came as James Bond, shot his way into everyones hearts, but its only his latter films that really saw the talent splash on the Screen. Great performances in The Untouchables, Entrapment, Rising Sun were mirrors of his performances. Why I even saw Dragon Heart, just because the Dragon had his voice. he was excellent in Untouchables.Thats Sean Connery for u..
3)Braveheart, Leathal Weapon Series, What women want, Patriot, Ransom, to name a few, showcase the tremendous talent of this fabulous performer. Yes friends I am indeed talking about Mel Gibson. Even when the movie ends, u want more of this performer. Be it as a pushed to the end hero in Mad Max, or the crazy cop in Lethal weapon or The comedy What women want, He goes through his roles smoothly like a hot knife thru butter.
4) Tom Hanks has always done uncanny roles.As the kid in a grownup body in Big, or as the simple person in Forrest Gump, or The Aids victim in Streets of Philadelphia or Castaway, Tom Hanks has delivered the Best. And he is o smooth. He essays all his roles with such ease. He is a unique performer.
5)Godfather, Godfather II, Scent of a Woman and many more such films, are there to showcase the performances of yet another TopGun. Who can forget the hansome looks of this talented guy in Godfather. His performance in Scent of a wOman was class. Take a guess folks, yes, the one and only Al Pacino.
These were my top guns, I know others will have their own top hands, But this is what is so good about Mouthshut. we can write what we like, a nd lead the way for more to come