Who doesnt likes to laugh? Everyone of us is trapped with stress, depression and sadness. Happiness has just become a passive factor in our lives.
Sometimes I feel that I should break away from all the worldy bonds and have a laugh out loudly. I dont want tensions, nor I want greivances. I want to be happy; happier than ever I was.
Some of Hollywood movies have succeeded in giving me those few precious moments of laughter and joy. These were those moments where I laughed my heart out. I forgot all the material tensions and sadness. I was just myself.
I have listed 5 of my favourite comedy movies. I hope you like them:
5) Hot Shots - I & Part Deux
This absolutely hilarious movie is based on the US-Iraq war. Charlie Sheen acts in this movie as a renegade, who fights against Saddam Hussain.
This movie contains comic scenes straight from movies like Rambo, The Specialist, Star Wars, Terminator, etc.
Saddam Hussain is portrayed as a sissy and his men as dumb fools. The practical jokes and pranks on other movie scenes are just laughable.
Look alikes of Saddam Hussain and George Bush give very good comic performance.
There are scenes like, when Charlie Sheen loses his gun, he goes to a bag full of bullets and throws them at his enemies. Eventually, the enemies die! And there are several other absolutely stomach-aching scenes. They will make you laugh till the moment you have tears in your eyes.
Watch this movie now!
4) Naked Guns - I, II & 3 1/4
All the three sequels of Naked Guns stars Leslie Nielsen, the white-haired comedian.
He plays the role of a police officer who solves crime in an unique way. This movie features some hilarious practical jokes and some double-meaning dialogues.
The third sequel includes a scene where Oscar awards are going on, and the whole scene plays a prank on the Oscars. Also the scene where Leslie Nielsen goes on to the stage and performs ridiculously is highly laughable.
You will roll on the ground laughing loudly while watching this movie. It is 100% recommended.
3) Police Academy
Police Academy has number of sequels. It is based upon a TV serial with the same name.
The plot is simple. USA is thoroughly in need of police officials because of high rate of crime in the nation. So, the police department recruit people in large number.
So, people of all size and shapes, black and white, fat and thin, sane and insane, are recruited and sent for training. This is when the fun starts. The antics of the new recruits is very hilarious. My favourite character was a black officer who can mimick sounds of just anything.
These new recruits become a burden for the sergeant, but also helps him in solving some crimes. My favourite sequel is when the whole team goes to Russia.
You can watch any part of Police Academy as each of them is very laughable.
2) Rush Hour I & II
Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker star in his very beautiful movie.
Jackie Chan plays a criminal officer from Hong Kong who comes to USA to rescue a kid. Chris Tucker is nominated as his assist, who is a no-good LA police officer.
Like other Jackie Chan movie, Rush Hour too includes some nice fight scenes and self-performed stunts by Jackie Chan. Most of the scenes of this movie were badly copied by SRK starrer Badshah.
In the next sequel, Chris Tucker is in Hong Kong with Jackie Chan. Here too they solve a crime in style.
Chris Tucker really makes you laugh, and Jackie Chan is just brilliant. A must watch!
1) The Mask
Jim Carreys first comedy movie shooted him to fame. The rubber-faced actor acted just brilliantly in this movie.
The story is about a bank manager, Ipkis, who finds a mask of the mischeivious God, Loki. On wearing the mask, the person becomes what he always wanted to be, with immortality and power to do just anything.
Backed up with some eye-dazzling special effects, The Mask is number one on my list. I can watch this movie for any number of time, and I guess, many of the readers would have watched this movie, and will agree with me that this movie is one hell of a ride!
These were my top 5 favourite comic movies. I would also like to mention the names of:
History of the World
Ace Ventura - Pet Detective
Problem Child
Confession series
Billy Madison
Happy Gilmore
and many more...
I would like to place all those beautiful movies of the great film-maker, Charlie Chaplin on the top position. He is the pioneer of comedy movies. His movie touched hearts of many. He made us laugh, and made us cry. The world will never have anyone like him. My tribute to a great human being.
Do send in your comments. I just love them.
Bye then. Happy Reading!