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Member Since:Mar 06, 2002
0 MS Points
I am an emotional person. When you see me, you will think that I am an introvert and does not like mixing up. This is not completely true. I love people. I am friendly and love to talk with like-minded people. I was born in the year 1980 at Sussex, England, UK. My father is from India, but my mother is from Israel. I have got my unusual look from them. I was in UK till my age 6, and then came to the mystic India to live. This is my motherland that brought me closer to it. I am now undergoing MBA in Marketing from University of Liverpool, UK. I am also a very experienced Web Developer. I live in a family of 5, including myself. Now I am in UK and am missing my friends and family very much. I just wanna go home soon. My tagline is ''Nobody's perfect, and I am nobody''. I love good people. So, I am waiting for some to come. I love web surfing. And here's a surprise, I love studying. I enjoy partying out with my friends. I do drink frequently, but only beer. I think I am ''PARTY ANIMAL'' rightly personified. I love my computer and people usually call my PC my first wife. I just cannot live without it. Cracking jokes is what I like. But I do control my outflow of jokes when in front of ladies.
About Me
Education: Undergoing MBA in MKTG. in UK
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A marketplace where flesh sells...
Reviewed Do Beauty Pageant Contests Bring Out the Beauty Of a Person
First of all the titleBeauty Contest doesnt mean anything. It opposes English grammar. How can an abstract thing can be contested upon? So wRead more...
As easy as A, B, C, D, E, F, G...
Reviewed Learning to Drive
I have compiled some Dos and Donts of car-learning etiquettes in this A-Z list. So, are you ready to burn tyre? A: Accelerator You must try to cRead more...
Enroll at your own risk...
Reviewed Edit
I completed my SSC in the year 1995 and then saw this ad in the newspaper stating All the SSC passed students looking for a great career in computRead more...
Time is money...
Reviewed Effective Time Management at Work
Someone said a very true thing that Time and tide waits for no man. You might have heard this proverb many times, but would have also Read more...
Reviewed Star Office 5.x
In two short words I would describe Star Office as Free MS-Office. I saw it first in a ZDNet CD and decided to install it for two reasons. First, I was lookiRead more...
Only for the Experts...
Reviewed Macromedia Director
Macromedia Director is a software that helps you in making high-end multimedia packages. Ive been using Director since its Version 6, and have seen manyRead more...
The only browser that fits in a floppy!
Reviewed Opera
When many leading browsers started getting hefty in their bytes, a new browser came out with a size of less than an MB! Yes, friends, Operas size is aroRead more...
Video Galore...
Reviewed Ten Best English Music Videos
I am an ardent fan of music. I think Music is God. I never call a kind of music good or bad. It just has to satisfy my mood at that moment. I listen to all kRead more...
Life is like a box of chocolates...
Reviewed Forrest Gump
How does the world seem to a person who is deemed as an idiot or as a person with a low IQ? Many will think that he would get demoralised or upset, and would Read more...
Reviewed The Fat of the Land - The Prodigy
We have no butter, but I ask you. Would you rather have butter or guns? Shall we import lard or steel? Let me tell you. Preparedness makes you powerful, Read more...
We all can be winners...
Reviewed Rules of Self Developement
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ---- Ralph Waldo Emerson What is the difference between a loRead more...
Very Enigmatic...
Reviewed The Screen Behind The Mirror - Enigma
The soul belongs to God, But the body belongs to us This is one of the lyrics of one of the haunting track of Enigmas The Screen Behind The Mirror ThRead more...
Complete Guide on GMAT
Reviewed How to Prepare for the GMAT Exams
Graduate Management Admission Test or GMAT is conducted by the Educational Testing Service of Princeton, New Jersey, USA. The purpose of GMAT is to measure yRead more...
Choice between money and mind...
Reviewed Choosing the Right Career
I dont know where I read this phrase. It says: If you are following someone elses footsteps, You are not leaving your own footprints behind. ItRead more...
If you wanna succeed, read this...
Reviewed Being Successful at Interviews
What is Interview? The Oxford Dictionary defines is as a face-to-face meeting, for the purpose of assessing the qualifications of a candidate for jobs or admRead more...
Run for cover!!!!
Reviewed Five Best Hollywood War Movies
The most testing times for a nation is during wars. The economy suffers a slumpdown, people are killed and many are left homeless and hungry. History has saiRead more...
The most difficult topic to write on...
Reviewed Five Best Reviews on MouthShut
Hey, this is unfair! Ive to give just 5 reviews, and this is nearly an impossible task. Also there is only one review written on this topic by my PakistRead more...
India - My Dear Wounded Mother...
Reviewed India - General
When I rest my head on the ground of my motherland, I feel that it wants to hug me. The land has so much love to give. It feels like a mothers lap; cariRead more...
The Golden Years...
Reviewed Five Best Hollywood Films of the 1960s
Hi, people, I am back! Your support and love has drawn me back to my first love, Writing, specially on MouthShut. This time I am picking up a complex topic. Read more...
No need to read this review
Reviewed MouthShut Community Center
I am just updating this review so that my friends do not think that I am resting in peace somewhere. Yes guys, I am not leaving MS! Why did I ever think of sRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on divya's review
Rated on aju_k27's review
Rated on ruchika_sri's review
Rated on maneeshchopra2000's review
Commented on suyog's review
Talk about controversial hot reviews, and this one scores the best. Anyways, you have given your distress call that has gone far and wide into the hearts of MS members. You were quite specific and aimed at right people. I like it. I don't know what happened to Rahul. But if something wrong is Read More...
Rated on suyog's review
Commented on Tribal_chief's review
Aso. Greetings to the chief. I have come from a far away land just to pass on the message that what we read that you wrote and that we understood was absolutely delightful. I want to pass my hearty regards to you. Please accept this gift of honour; a broken arrow and a bandaged bow. This shall b Read More...
Rated on Tribal_chief's review
Commented on screwywabbit's review
I usually buy from PlanetM. I find that their service is quite good. If I use my credit card, I get the delivery in just 2 days. If it says that your order is under process for a month, the case can be that the product is out of stock. Try mailing at customerservice@planetm.co.in
Rated on screwywabbit's review
Rated on spookaay's review
Rated on meleahk1's review
Rated on abababbey's review
Commented on own review
I never opposed Fair is beautiful. I said it has been propaganded by advertisers on a large scale. I love everything natural. So, fair, if natural, is beautiful. So is darkness. Please read the complete rerview thoroughly again. Do not read everything that is in bold. You will get the right picture.
Well sir, most men are like you. But not I. I have lived my whole life with two beautiful women, my mother and my sister. So whenever I see a lady, I judged them according to my mother's or my sister's scale. So, immoral things go off my mind.
Sir, The question is whether beauty contests brings out the real beauty of a person or not. I answered in negation. I have not aimed at advertisements. Any beautiful face can do that. But they only look good, and not beautiful overall. Please read the review thoroughly again.
Rated on SarahA's review
Rated on pete's review
Rated on relsr's review
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