The best movies of last decade- The 90s....
PULP FICTION - THE BEST FILM EVER!!!!! the most influential movie to emerge from the 90s. A film that single-handedly changed the face of American -- and world -- cinema in 1994, Quentin Tarantinos PULP FICTION is a rare masterpiece that is unlikely to be repeated by him, or his imitators. And he will be forgiven for not producing another such masterpiece. The cast just rocks... And what do I say about THE BEST bad arse merfcker of hollywood - Sir SAMUAL L JACKSON. Tarantino makes pictures for movie-lovers, and Pulp Fiction is a masterpiece. This is the film that changed my life. From a passive film watcher to a hard core film freak. TARINTINO is the reason.
AMERICAN BEAUTY- definitely one of the best films ive ever seen. For a change OSCAR got it all right by giving Oscars to a dexerving film. Kevin Spacey rocked like hell as Lester Burnham. His performance is truly key to the films ultimate success. I cannot think of anyone else who could have done justice to the role.The cinematography by Conrad Hall is Fantabalous. And the music(amazing) perfectly compliments the camerawork. I have seen this movie almost 10 times & believe me each time I have found something new in it which I missed before.Infact the last time I watched it I was amazed how each & every scene of American Beauty can be made into a poster.
FOREST GUMP - This was one hell of an cinematic experience. I remember watching it reluctantly in school but was blown by the end of it. Since then I have watched it thrice in PLAZA (stoned) & loved every minute of it. TOM HANKS was born to be Forest Gump. This is ROBERT ZEMIEKES masterpiece. His Citizen Kane. Theres not much I have to tell anyone about this one of the most popular film of 90s .I bet half of u have even bought the double cassette soundtrack also. Vietnam War with DOORS!!!!A truly extraordinary cinematic experience.
SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION- One of the best films of the 90’s, infact , one of the most beautiful movies I have ever had the pleasure of watching. It had the misfortune of being largely overshadowed by two other very popular and extra-ordinary films, Forrest Gump and Pulp Fiction which were released the same year 1994 (probably one of the best years for film lovers). Infact people must have forgotten it had seven Oscar nominations that year, but unfortunately couldnt win even one mostly having lost out to the above 2 films. But Shawshank Redemption has continued to win new fans, as well as repeat viewings from those who loved it the first time around. This is a film which cannot be disliked by any human being according to me. There will be people who will hate PULP FICTION while others love it more than they love their girlfriends but this is a movie which if someone doesnot like , I will pray for his soul. Shawshank Redemption to every human soul .
Cameron Crowe has never directed a bad movie: Say Anything, Singles, Jerry Maguire, and now Almost Famous. He even wrote the script for Fast Times at Ridgemont High! And the liner notes for Frampton Comes Alive! Crowes Midas touch has again produced gold -- Almost Famous is a tour de force, with a stellar ensemble cast (Billy Crudup, Kate Hudson, Jason Lee, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Frances McDormand) and a funny, heartfelt script. If the summer studio slop has you down, catch this one (released Sep. 15). It will restore your faith in film. courtsey AMAZON.COM
for once I have to say they r bang on. CAMERON CROWE rocks. This is perheps one of the best films ever about rockn roll & a rock band. This is a movie which makes u feel good about the whole experience of watching films... And if one is stoned then this movie becomes 10 times more incredible. The music is soooooo good. The pool scene is one of my fav....I DIG IM ON DRUGS....hehehe. A memorable scene.
Having named the top 5 films I will not forget the other equally great films which did not make my list maybe but wikll definitely figure in many top 5 films of 90s. So here is my list of ALSO RANs-
1st Half of FROM DUSK TILL DAWN (watch the best bar ever shown on cinema),
BORN ON THE 4TH OF JULY(Tom Cruises best acting yet ....1989 actually ... but what the heck!!) , GOODFELLAS,
Before I end I must inform that Im yet to see KEVIN SMITHS -CLERKS , & more recently BOB & SILIENTS JAYS REVENGE....BUT I SAW dOGMA & MALLRATS last week...