Isn’t running our smooth tongue transversely across the body of yummy luscious Ice creams really pleasurable ? ‘Ice Creams’…….. they really have the potential to turn a bad day into a bright one and a bright day into the brightest one ! Is it possible to point out any single occasion without this scrumptious delightful ‘Finale’?
I love Ice Creams and I eat right from the Kulfis sold during nights in my streets to the beautifully decorated gorgeous ones served at 5 Star Hotels ! Out of the so many of my favourites, I don’t know if I would really be able to choose just 5 …….. let me make an attempt !
Milky-Way Galaxy :
“The Milky Way Galaxy (MW) is our home galaxy and this MW is about 30, 000 parsecs in diameter (over 100, 000 light years) and contains over 100 billion stars………”… if you were looking for such explications here…….. please S T O P !!! Read on …..
The ‘Milky-Way Galaxy’ is one of the most popular Ice Cream Parlors at Egmore in Chennai offering over 200 varieties of delightful lip-smacking ice creams manufactured by them at their Plant near Chennai. My most favourite ice creams at this Parlor are:
•Black Walnut Ice Cream – this is served in a glass beautifully decorated with black walnuts (not the English walnuts) topped with caramel sauce, honey, powdered pista with dry grapes.
•Fresh Peach Ice Cream – this is another lovely mouth-watering ice cream for those who love peach. Its basically the pista ice cream stuffed with sliced peaches with toppings of red-cherries. The dense set of peaches make this special ice cream my favourite !
Arun Ice Creams :
As is already know to everyone, ‘Arun’ offers more than 70 varieties and their 2-in-ones are my favourites. The best part of Arun Ice Creams is that, they are sold with rates starting from just INR 6/-. There is a beautiful Arun Parlor right beside my house & being one of their regular customers, lemmee tel you what I like the best at Arun:
•Arabian Delight : I think here it is needless to talk about their delectable Arabian Delight which is nothing but a Cashew ice cream with raisins and cashews. Only in Arun’s Arabian Delight, you could cherish the real taste of cashews without its raw aroma. I think it is a G R E A T Ice cream for just Rs. 24/- !!
•Caramello : Most people are not much aware of this wonderful tasty flavour offered by Arun – This basically is the seasonal natural fruit ice cream and every 3 days the fruit ingredients are changed & it is really soothing to go in for this lip-smacking delight during hot summer.
Baskin Robbins :
This is an international chain of ice creams offering over 1, 000 delightful varieties of ice creams. Their French Vanilla & Nutty Coconut Ice creams were my Grandpaa’s favourites & their Chocolate Chip and Cheeries Jubilee are my dad’s all time favourite & for my choices …….. Jus’ read on …………
•Spilish Splash : I really love this beautiful variety at the Baskin’s & I could give up anything for its superb taste !!!!!! This is the Blue raspberry sherbet uniformly swirled with the blueberry shorbet and I really pity anyone who’snt ever tasted this yummy ice cream !!
•Can I say their Thunder n’ lightning at this second place? Yeah, this is yet another fantastic chocolate fudge ice cream with chocolate pieces and milk chocolate flavour appropriately blended in best proportions resulting in a rich & creamy beautiful mouth-watering ice cream !
A M U L Ice Creams :
“A M U L – The Taste of India !!!” ……. Amul offers really delicious flavours at very economical costs. By the name ‘Amul’ everyone would be reminded of the beautiful small girl child wearing a frock & enjoying her Amul Ice cream in hand…… and yes, since my childhood days, Amul had been one of my favourite brands and just read on for my favourites at Amul :
•Honey Dew Melon : This is my favourite Ice cream at Amul with the gorgeous taste of natural honey. Its Karuk-morook dry fruits & nuts make it a very special experience for us !!
•Kesar-Pista : Just while I type this out itself, I am mouth-watering…… ‘cause of the fact that as far as I remember the first ice cream I ate at Amul is this one ! I love for its not too ‘sweet’ not too ‘less-sweet’ … & though this flavour is commonly thought to be too sugary, it is really not so at Amul…!
Kwality Walls :
Do I have to give an Intro about their appetizing & yummy Cornetto, Chocolate Feast, Rasberry Dolly & Choco-Bar ?? All these are my favourites at the Walls & their recently introduced Special Tutti Fruitti Litchi & the Fire-Ice are real fun to cherish during this hot weather !! One of the best qualities of Walls is that, they introduce lot of new varieties quite frequently which is really boosting up their sales in the market !
Whenever I think of Ice Creams I am always reminded of an admirable prayer of a small child ……….. “God is good. God is great. Thank you God for the food, and I would even thank you more if mom gets us ice cream for dessert..!!!” – Isn’t it so cute ? Right from a cute little child to the older populations, ‘I C E C R E A M’ is a magic word which being the cause of the great success of many Ice Cream Manufacturers across the globe !!
Whenever you next visit an Ice Cream Parlor, do taste my aforementioned favourite ones too & enjoy their great palatability !!!!! Hey….. come on yaar …… the belly conscious friends please stop murmuring ……… Jus’ E N J O Y