Now that you know what this review is all about…
In random order….
The Supreme Being spookaay
Remains In Your Thoughts(About book Remains Of The Day)
I love reading spooks’ reviews mostly because he combines intelligence with humor. When I read I read this review something about it hit me.
The review was written such that it mirrored the seriousness of the content of the book. Spook diverted from his usual style to give us a clear picture about the book. In doing so Spooks demonstrated that he can be trusted to give a clear and honest opinion of this book.
The Art of Filmmakin Aint Dead Yet!(About the movie Company)
Angel review on one of my favourite movies this year was one of the best reviews I have read. What struck me about it was that it was unlike some of the reviews you read in the newspapers, pompous writers writing as if they are the ultimate word on movies. Angel’s review showed sensible thought and discussed not just the movie by itself but placed it in the light of the entire Indian movie industry. I don’t think it deserves to be called a review if anyone can think of something more befitting please tell me.
Musical madlalya
The Art Of Mixing(About… need I say more)
I always knew that mixing involved a studio and equipment. I knew wrong.
Maddy’s article opened my eyes to a new world.
In his article he discussed mixing and made it clear that its not about equipment and plain music.
When I had a few doubts about a few things Maddy was very thoughtful and decided to post a reply on the comments page itself for the benefits of all.
Check out the point he makes about the song from Ram Lakhan. You’d be surprised. This review is for anyone who likes music and likes to learn.
Full points for thoughtfulness here.
I TRUST .So I am(About mouthshut trusted circle)
The writer has penned his views on the trust list of
He has also juxtaposed(nice word isn’t it) this with his views of trust in life as well. The article is an example that shows that you can write a cynical article by using your brain and heart in the right balance. I bring up this point as some writers write about things bothering them and go on about how much pain they have endured without giving readers much information about issue. As result the article looks like a result of personal hang ups or a kind of release for the writer.
Who Wants To be a Millionaire?(About entrepreneurship)
Simply the best article on entrepreneurship I have ever read. This article is a great guide for anyone who has a dream. The article is well structured and simple for anyone to understand. Any entrepreneurs out there? Stop reading my article and got to Asyis’ profile page.
Manage your money with a little more awareness.(About Investing)
Now this may not be the best article on investing but what hit was some of the simple steps we can use when investing.
Of course since this an old interview some of views will be based on the market conditions at the time of writing the article may or may not be valid now.
The best part of the review is the last four points.
Well that’s it. there are other reviews that have touched my heart or brain. For now I just wanted to write about these ones. I accept cheques!;-p