Yippeeee, its that time of the year again when the air is breezy and chilly and everyone likes to settle down in a couch, turn the heater slightly warm and hold a pizza to become the proverbial couch potato - Ladies and Gentlemen - Its Winter time...
I see currently that a lot of TV Series are running but quite a lot of them are re-runs... Now where is the fun in that - Why? Play an episode of Friends and I end up laughing even before the scene comes up cause I have seen that series 5 times over... Yeah Friends that was kool... Anyways, I would like to share some TV Series with you which I think Rock... So like I say, Take a Risk - You might like it..!!!
Following are some of the series that I feel you should definitely give a try - I am not sure on which channel they are currently airing, but that should be difficult in this age of Gooooogle.... :D
Ok here goes...
Scrubs - This hit TV series is centered around a hospital and the lives of 3 interns, couple of doctors and a janitor... really kool, do check it out..
Smallville - Now you all maybe thinking this is another cheap attempt at Superman - But you are mistaken - This is really awesome series far from the Superman theme... You have to dig this, just try it once and I am sure you will be hooked on to it...
Frasier - Dont even get me started on this one - It speaks for itself... Dr. Frasier Crane and his brother Nyles and father ex-cop Martin and Dapheny the nurse - Its really great...