My 25th review: At first I thought of the popular choice for mile stones i.e. to write a review on but then I dropped the idea and decided to be very?ME? in this silver jubilee review.
Lets see what Kahlil Gibran has to say on this matter.
You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
Rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings.
~The prophet by Kahlil Gibran
A day of year 1996: My friend ?A? who was very fond of me and she loved gifting me greeting cards with or without occasions. She came and gave me some beautiful cards and then she looked at me sheepishly, a look which confirmed she wanted to say something but couldn?t say.
Me: C?mon tell me what is the matter?
She: Silence and stares?.
Me: I know you have something on your mind and you know I won?t let you go till you tell me, so shoot.
She: You have to do me a favour.
Me: Name it and I ll see.
She: You have to go to Archies Gallery this evening( she had fought with somebody again, I thought) .As soon as you enter turn left (yup, and I will see the beautiful sales girl on counter) then go to a particular section of cards(what is she getting at?)* to a particular shelf and?.
Me: and what?
She: There are these three cards I couldn?t buy as I didn?t have the money but I wanted to give them to you so you go and see the message please.
I was dumbstruck for a while, I looked at her with that you-are-impossible look and hugged her and believe me people it was a wonderful gift she gave me and I will remember it till my last breath.
That was my take on gifts which makes me happy. I am no materialistic person*(that doesn?t mean I hate material gifts) *. So here is my list?.
Always wished for a younger brother
Being the youngest kid in the family may have 101 advantages but there are down sides too. Always wished for a younger brother . Often times I have dreamt of an imaginary younger bro and had imaginary dialogues with him.
Thankfully MS have filled this gap up to some extent and has gifted me two of them in Amol and Rahul.
To meet a long lost friend
Since I am more of a people?s person my life revolve more around my friends. It happened to me once when I accidentally met a childhood friend of mine after 12 long years. It was a wonderful experience. But I would like it in the form of a gift .Like you can arrange a surprise meet for me with any such person. Hope I will get this kind of gift someday.
The thought gives me thrills. Here you come saying* I have a gift for you so close your eyes, wait, ok now open your eyes, here is your gift Whoa! I see this friend I haven?t met in years. Nothing could be better.
Hugs, Pecks and Kisses
Now this is something which is welcome anytime and I never get tired of them.
But there is a catch if you are taking it as an ordeal then I am better off that. There are people in your life whom you see and you greet them by saying a plain and cold hello, for some you greet them with a spontaneous Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, then there are those on seeing whom you smile and say ?Hey where were you all this time? and then there are those whom you feel like hugging and probably say nothing . You see what I mean? A hug contains your deep feelings and a lots of affection. When you hug me you indirectly gift me with your deepest and loveliest feelings.
Pecks: My mother often gives me a peck on my forehead on special days and it?s a lovely feeling .There was this class 12th group of mine and we had this ritual of giving peck on the forehead of the b?day boy/girl. It was mandatory and it felt great.
Finally kisses: Ok forgive me I admit I don?t want this gift from everyone. I hope you don?t want me to say much on this matter. Silence is gold.
To have a big MS meet
What a beautiful gift it would be to meet all these people whom I interact with all the time. They are my friends, I know an awful lot about them, it seems like I know them for years but what would it be like to meet them in person? That too meeting them all in one place.
If I visualize it I can see it?ll be sheer joy.
Here I spot?S? and I greet her saying I always wanted to see you in person and we get into this long awaited conversation then I see?L? and I yell hey buddy you are fattier then I assumed and we burst out laughing. I start looking for?D?, ?J?, ?M? and many more. I guess I will get some part of this gift in next few weeks.
Personalized Gifts
When I say personalized gifts I don?t want anyone to make something with their own hands.
In any case I won?t mind all those rados and rolexes, levi?s and provogues, nikes and lee coopers etc. I accept everything my dear friends and don?t worry if you didn?t have the time to buy gift cause I accept cash, credit card, euros, dollars and?.you know what I mean. Just kidding?ok?
Jokes apart what I mean by personalized gift is that my sister she always put stress on good packing and she put some personal touch in the packing which kinda make her gift special. The receiver see these efforts and instantly feel happy, cause he see your care and affection in it.
So that was my list and now I am sitting tight and waiting for the day when you are gonna gift me all or any of these .
I am kinda apprehensive while writing this one. Yes it is no quality review. It may not be useful for anybody except those who cares for me. The purist may look at it as its some kind of crime but personally I don?t see anything wrong in being?yourself?once in a while. Bear it people if you can.
Happy Reading