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Member Since:Jun 10, 2004
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''undergoing serious self psyche resolving process ,so as soon as i gather sufficient info about miself i will display it'' well i always say and try hard to mean that i have <b>''No Regrets''</b> whatsoever.....Then i read Mia farrow's quote ''a person without regrets is a <b>NINCOMPOOP</b>''....so for those who would like to go by Mia's ideology i am a Nincompoop and for others i am a person without regrets. . love to laugh,an ardent reader,very fond of music n dance I love being called barney(barney livingston my fav character in doctors by erich segal).crazy it sounds but its true.
About Me
Education: engg grad
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Aasche bachar aabar hobe
Reviewed Water Rafting
The review is more oriented towards a rafting/camping trip in a place called Tarkhola, on the bank of river Teesta (Sikkim). Magicalsummer’s review on wRead more...
$$Dollar Calling$$
Reviewed General Views on Call Centers
1:00 AM It is a marrow numbing winter night in Delhi. A lad in his early twenties is sound asleep, ensconced in the cradle of pleasant dreams. As  most of yRead more...
::Heart has its own reasons::
Reviewed Five Best English Love Songs
*The heart has its own reasons, of which reason knows nothing. ~Pascal* ===================================================== Has the world lost its meaninRead more...
A question to answers
Reviewed Zahir, The - Paulo Coelho
Critics are extremely insecure, they are democrats when it comes to politics, but fascists when it comes to culture. They believe that people are perfectly caRead more...
Deads do not die...
Reviewed Star of the Sea - Joseph O Connor
Farewell to old Ireland, the land of my childhood, which now and forever I am obliged to leave. Farewell to the shores where the shamrock is growing. It’Read more...
Reviewed The Sound of Music
With slight moves of the camera the landscape changes from one breathtaking view to another. Snow clad peaks to rocky mountains, the brook, the sea, the riverRead more...
Weightifter who lifts a smile
Reviewed Great Indian Laughter Challenge
Imagine a kid in our country revealing his aspirations to his parents: Hey dad I wanna be a comedian when I grow up. Dad’s response: What !!!!!!!!!!!!Read more...
The voice of heaven
Reviewed Ten Best Songs of Hemant Kumar
*Amar gaaner swaralipi lekha rabey Pantha pakhir kujano kakoli ghirey Agami prithibi kaan petey tumi shuno Ami jodi aar nai ashi hetha phirey Tobu. Amar gRead more...
Once upon a time...
Reviewed Nokia 3310
Once upon a time there was a cell phone called Nokia 3310. A cell phone which was nothing but only a cell phone. By today?s definition a cell phone must be aRead more...
The mellow-throated nightingale
Reviewed Surinder Kaur
At every close she made, th attending throng Replied, and bore the burden of the song: So just, so small, yet in so sweet a note, It seemed the music meRead more...
Phuhleeezzz !!!
Reviewed Remix
Welcome to Maurya High, a school for rich and spoiled brats (with a few exceptions). Let us take a tour of the school first. There you see a couple of boys anRead more...
Melodies of blues
Reviewed Twenty Best Hindi Tragic Songs
Before starting This review I must clear something that basically I am a very happy soul. Recently I came across a question in one of those Psychoanalytical qRead more...
C'est la vie mon cher...
Reviewed Raincoat
Tip #1: If you ever cry in the bathroom then keep the shower on. Tip #2: Wait till a certain point of time in night and if you still can’t sleep then tRead more...
Its magic, its classy.
Reviewed Raincoat Songs
Before starting this review I must apologize our non hindi speaking readers cause I will be repeatedly using Guljar?s poetry all through this review.These linRead more...
Never Love a Virgo man.
Reviewed Five Hindi Songs I Would Sing for my Beloved
Statuary warning: Never fall in love with a Virgo man. All of you Linda Goodman reader must be knowing this fact very well that a typical Virgo male hardly eRead more...
Cheers !!!....Iam Appy
Reviewed Parle Appy
One Saturday evening: It was a very rough day , nothing good had happened that day. I left the cyber cafe and started moving towards my place. Numb with shockRead more...
I know you are crying dad.
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for a Father
This time when I planned to visit home after almost eleven months, one of the most important thing that came to my mind was the Gift for my dad. While thinkinRead more...
Sahir :the magician of words
Reviewed Twenty Best Lyrics of Sahir Ludhianvi
Jo taar se nikli hai vo dhun sabne suni hai jo saaj pe gujri hai vo kis ko pata hai March 8, 1921 a baby boy was born in a feudal family in Ludhiyana and naRead more...
Barney's 25th Review.
Reviewed Five Gifts You Would Like to Receive
My 25th review: At first I thought of the popular choice for mile stones i.e. to write a review on Mouthshut.com but then I dropped the idea and decided to beRead more...
She sank......
Reviewed Titanic
The night of 14th april , 1912 she was traveling at the speed of 20.5 knots. Amidst all that discrimination between first class and third class people the enRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on rohitthebest's review
Surprise ! Surprise ! Just dropped by to mark my presence :-) Jai
Rated on rohitthebest's review
Rated on nandeetaoberoisharma's review
Commented on nandeetaoberoisharma's review
choices are lovely but I would have loved to know how you associate yourelf to these songs ...what you like them for...music, lyrics, mood etc.... Just my two cents..:-) Jai
Followed nandeetaoberoisharma
Rated on walking_dude's review
Commented on sndaya's review
Hairloss may be one of the most common problems yet we hardly know anything about it and its root cause. We hardly know anything about the product we use to prevent dandruff and hairloss ..considering this your review was an eye opener. A VU in its truest sense. Jai
Rated on sndaya's review
Commented on megs.4u's review
This sunday i had a tough time deciding which movie to watch among KKG, Yun hota to...and Pyar ke side effects...zeroed down to first two and KKG is the winner. Loved the movie ...specially when i know some ppl jinke 'Sapno da mahal' kisi khurana ke panje mein fansa hai. Cool writeup. Jai
Rated on megs.4u's review
Followed shyamnambiar
Commented on shyamnambiar's review
You have no idea how much I have enjoyed reading this piece....its......its awesome...all i can say. Would prolli take prints of a few of your writeups and read them on flight. Jai
Rated on shyamnambiar's review
You know what, it is unfair not to put a disclaimer saying one shouldn't read it when one is hungry...:-( I wish we had a place like this in Bangalore....so far the best place of this kind i have ever visited was Chokhi Dhani in Jaipur. Jai
Commented on zuludancing's review
How unfortunate for yoy that the lady whose cleavage dreaded you is back....how did you take it bhai? Jai
Rated on zuludancing's review
Rated on milinddesai's review
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