The inspiration for this article came after reading Cousin2s article5+ 5 under theFive Gifts You Would Like To Recieve Category
I liked her gift ideas but the only problem was that gifts like a star, a sun etc, were great but the next morning when I have to wake up and battle with life, they would not be able to help much. I would like to state for the record that I liked reading the article and the gifts that Cousin2 described gave me a good feeling when I read them. Further more while writing this article I came to the realization that Cousin2 probably wrote the article because it felt nice to write about the gifts she had in mind, it felt nice to dream about them. You may not get some of those gifts but you can always dream and its nice to dream. My good wishes to Cousin2.
Anyway, coming to gifts that I’d like to receive, in random order…
1) Books(Second hand ones too)
Well I don’t need to explain why I’d like to receive books but I think I should explain why I mentioned second-hand books.
Some people(including me) are afraid to gift second hand books cause we might look cheap. The reason I would like to gift a second hand book is because I my friend will be able to own a great book that would other wise be too expensive to buy first hand. I once inquired about Bill Gates’ “Business @ The Speed Of Thought” and the price was 500 Rupees. Ouch!
Later my friend gifted me a second-hand copy for 60 Rupees. I guess you can feel how happy I was.
There was another incident where another friend of mine gifted me her copy of the Richard Bach book “One”, a book I loved so much that I wrote a review on it.
Of course you probably need to be good friends with someone in order to be able to receive or gift anything second-hand. The gift is backed by sentiment and that’s what contributes to the value of the gift, not the price.
2) Lunch with Richard Branson(Virgin Group of Companies)
Ever since I read about him in a book ”*Doing Business the Richard Branson Way *“ I have become a fan of his. A man who came up by using his smarts and nothing else. The reason why I’d like to have lunch with him is because I feel he is such a regular guy and does not act like he owns an airline Company, a soft drink company and more. He does not stick to convention. He is unlike any famous businessman I have ever read about. While the rest go to banks in suits he goes in irreverent casuals and still ends up getting a loan.
3) Lunch at home with Cameron Diaz or Raveena Tandon.
Wipe that smile off your face! You never know when good things could happen.
The reason I like the above actresses, is well. I find both of them cute. But I also find both of the very down-to earth. I admit you can never tell about people without actually meeting them, but in their interviews Cameron Diaz and Raveena Tandon seem to come across as the people next door, people you can have a conversation with, people who can make you feel comfortable by not displaying the celebrity baggage. Maybe one day…
(By the way I have never seen a full movie of Raveena Tandon’s)
4) CDs at the cost of cassettes
Out here in India, Cds cost between 300 to 400 rupees, while cassettes can cost a maximum of 125 rupees. Because of the MP3 craze manufacturers are trying to bring down the prices but they still cost enough to hurt your wallet. Hopefully. maybe. someday. we will have cheaper CDs.
5) A day off with friends, at home, chatting
I’m sure everyone has had one of these experiences and treasures them. No worries about deciding where to go to eat, not having to “behave” as when in public places, laughing loudly, wearing shorts etc. I hope more people get this gift. I think its better that group therapy.
That’s all.
My birthday is on the 11th of March