Face it - who doesnt like receiving gifts? I am the kind of person who would go that extra mile when it comes down to giving something special tosomeone special. However, it is seldom that the same efforts are reciprocated.
I am awfully sorry - I wont list down Peace, Happiness, Equality and other stuff you guys have listed down. For me a gift has to be material, so that I can cherish it for a lifetime. Something that I can preserve and look at to remember the particular person.
Before Iactually begin - lemme narrate this:
My 16th birthday. My boyfriend takes me to a jewellery counter - smiles at me sweetly -Choose anything. Dont do it with anyone please!. Because if you do, they would either box you and give you a blackeye or just choose the cheapest trinklet and give a loose smile.
Nobody, in their decent senses wouldchoose their own gifts - theyd appreciate if you do the bit for them.
Anyway - here we go:
1. Tickets to a Jagjit Singh concert:
Now - I would practically squeeze the person to death with a hug if he/she would actually get the tickets for me. I am this bigtime crazed up fan of JS - and for me his concerts are the most amazing hours of my life. His voice is so captivating - oh, dont even get me started!
2. Avery long drive which eventually ends up under stars:
Sounds dreamy? I would love it! But this particular one will involve someone I am heads over heels in love with - and male!;) I am hoping as hell that my boyfriend reads this - hed have some clue what to do next year, instead of pushing me to yet another counter.
3. A surprise party with just my favorite people:
I guess this should be on everyones list. A surprise party is awesome. I would love to be taken to my favorite restaurant and be welcomed by my favorite people.
Little note here: I did this with my mum last year. I took her to Geoffreys(Ansal Plaza), had our dinner. After we finished, the waiters got the cake, 38 Gerberas in an exquisite bouquet and the DJ playedHappy Birthday. The entire place was clapping. Mum was embarassed, flabbergasted and very overwhelmed. She confessed it was the best birthday ever. Thought Id recommend it for the hopelessly romantic people - your girlfriend will love it(dont kill me if she doesnt!)
4. My own published book:
If someone ever hands me the first copy of my own book, gosh, I would remember that birthday for a lifetime. That someone would have to go through a lot of trouble though - steal that poetry from my secret hideouts and get some insane publishing house to accept it;) Wishful thinking maybe - but I thought Id list it anyway!
5. A cool wardrobe of nightwear:
Since I am so very fond of nightwear, sophisticated and pretty nightsuits would definitely get an edge over all the other gifts. I am barely fond of clothing otherwise, so big no nos to jeans, tops and the likes!
Id hate to receive:
I thought Id best end with things I hate to receive:
Why I listed them here is because I consider them highly impersonal. If a friend is giving me any of these, Ill take it still fine - but if my boyfriend or a relative gives me any of these, will I blow my fuse(Yea, I am pretty short-tempered)!
A gift definitely needs to be very special and personal if you really consider the recepient special. I know how impersonal these things are because when some casual friends birthday comes up, I dig for chocolates or photo frames - geez!
So you know what to gimme when I turn 17!;o)