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Member Since:Sep 21, 2002
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<b>I love to be myself.</b> Varied stuff interests me but what enchants me most is anything that explores my freedom of expression. I love to express myself - thats where MouthShut comes in. I can crib about how bad hindi movies are and actually be highly recommended fer it! My love for movies and music has no boundaries and my thoughts belong to my private domains. If you do decide to trust me - remember, I don't edit my opinions just 'coz you think it would be better that way - and I write from my heart - raw! I adore George Clooney and Vivek Oberoi - everyone else, please take a ticket...! I wish I had volumes to speak for myself, however, I am a simple girl with humble dreams. I believe in standing up for the right thing and believing in myself. I cannot stand hypocrates or double-crossing wiseacres. I appreciate what life has to offer and am glad each day brings more happiness in my world. Life for me means a lot, and I want to make the best out of it. I am a big time computer freak. I thrive on mouse clicks and tapping keys. There's a lot more about me - but just hang on there, if you're lucky, one day you might find out!. <b><i>I am back. And here to stay. Gotta problem? POW!</b></i>
About Me
Education: what education
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Portrayal of True Love
Reviewed Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam
Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam can best be described as an emotional drama which never fails to be a tear-jerker, regardless of how many times it has been watched befRead more...
The Best Blog Publishing Tool
Reviewed Blogger
Blogging has become an important part of an average Indians life. The idea of sharing your thoughts and experiences with people to whom they matter has Read more...
Giggling Bimbettes and Insensate Jocks!
Reviewed Pepsi 'Pepsi Ke Liye Besharam' commercial
I honestly feel at loss of words to even go about defining my feelings towards the latest addition to Pepsis long list of hopeless advertisements. HowevRead more...
Nimbu Maar Ke!
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
Although I dont consider myself great enough to advice others how to go about writing reviews, I do think I would like to share a few things Ive lRead more...
Bheja Phod Ke!
Reviewed Fanta 'Dil Khol Ke' commercial
The latest Fanta advertisement only indicates the lack of creativity and the bottleneck of desperation in the Indian advertisement industry. The Models:: MyRead more...
Of burning desires and crackering dreams
Reviewed Cricket
It was well obvious by the 40th over in the India v/s Pakistan World Cup Match (March 1st 03) that India is going to go back with a cheshire smile on thRead more...
The Basic Messenger
Reviewed MSN Messenger
The MSN Messenger is incontrovertibly one of the best options available in the satanic lairs of Instant Messaging. Au contraire, there are quite a few things Read more...
Blue? Phew!
Reviewed Pepsi Blue
So Pepsi gets into the world cup fever to exploit our world cup fever and introduces Pepsi Blue. What can go wrong with a product you say? I mean whoa - the Read more...
Shine Tonight...!
Reviewed Revlon Skinlights Face Illuminator
The SkinLights Face Illuminator is a good option to put that shiny glow on your face, however not the best. I bought the product some six months back and realRead more...
Yippie - its Yepp!
Reviewed Samsung MCD-SF85 CD Yepp
Technology just keeps getting better by the second - proves the awesome new addition to my collection - Samsung MCD-SF85 CD Yepp MP3 Player. //The Looks --&gRead more...
Five ways to win my heart!
Reviewed Five Gifts You Would Like to Receive
Face it - who doesnt like receiving gifts? I am the kind of person who would go that extra mile when it comes down to giving something special tosRead more...
Shriek - I finally found Channel [V] online!!!
Reviewed Channelv
First of all - I am not really very honored to be the first to write about channelv.com, however - its okay, I shall accept the honors (???) anyway! {{Takes aRead more...
Join the gang!
Reviewed Archie
The blame for my addiction to reading goes more or less to Archies. Although I started off my hobby with Diamond Comics (Yea - Chacha Choudhary, Billoo,Read more...
Get Creative!
Reviewed Tips on Nail Art
Nail Art is fast becoming popular - and how! The quest for creative and innovative dress-up for your nails has just begun. So whether itd be tatoos or jRead more...
A novice attempt at a novel
Reviewed (Un)arranged Marriage - Bali Rai
(Un)arranged Marriage is Bali Rais first ever novel (and the only one so far - as my knowledge goes). Bali Rai, for people unaware of the name, is a youRead more...
Ma - we have a printer!
Reviewed HP DeskJet 670C
I remember myself jumping on my bed as the printer was being setup by some weird looking computer guy screaming over - Look ma, we have a printer!Read more...
A doze of reality
Reviewed Saathiya
Saathiya refuses to be just another movie. It refuses not to make an impact. It refuses to be insensate. Saathiya proves an important point - Indian cinema iRead more...
House built with 407 pages!
Reviewed Thurston House - Danielle Steel
Thurston House is a thick 407 page typical Danielle Steel novel. Why I bought it - well it was a steal at Rs.50/- in perfect condition from the BoRead more...
.:: Delhi - Here I Come! ::.
Reviewed New Delhi
My aim here is to familiarize people who have bothered themselves to actually read this review, even after knowing who wrote it, about Delhis attractionRead more...
Typical Family Drama - with the works!
Reviewed Kasautii Zindagii Kay
Kasautii Zindagi Ki (or KZK for my convenience) is another one of Balaji Telefilms productions. Airing between 8:30-9:00 on weekdays it had for sure taken theRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Bhavna's review
Bhavna, I'd agree with Sumit when he says the music is average and typical. The entire album has only two hummable songs which too are forgettable. As for the movie, reading your review coupled with others, I've made up my mind to definitely give it a skip. I am really not into another Raj-Priya Read More...
Commented on nik3's review
Thanks for saving me mega bucks - all the money that goes into the petrol and tickets and the snacks just to see a sad excuse for a hatke movie! Shahrukh looks mundane in the promo's itself, what to say of the movie. Rani's makeup has been way too overdone. I believe she looked much better in Saathi Read More...
Rated on mukherjee's review
Commented on own review
truthseeker:: And my dear Anupam, thank you very much. Its members like you who support members like me - who attract little agreement and more discontentment ;) Reeper:: Anything anti-this ad will be a genius in itself. Do see the link I referred (which I must admit, I did for you, since you d Read More...
Samir:: D'you know I just saw the next part of the ad - and Saif actually shakes his b*tt - like scuse me!! Honestly, it is getting on my nerves big time! Sid_down:: Yea sure, whatever...! Kalil:: Thanks a tonne man!! Blured:: thanks! Your words are real morale boosters..! Spike:: Mayb Read More...
Oh Yea sure, kids like you! - LimeIce P.S. please refrain from stupid comments
Dhaval:: Chalo maan liya, that besharam thing is moderately alright, but then dont you think they could've used much better concepts to bring that out? I think definitely, there is a vast space for improvement.. this is a very amateur form of advertising. Sid_down:: I don't have a pre-conceived Read More...
Davie:: I would rather choose to watch the Fanta ad a couple of thousand times just to escape watching this one once more! Ram:: Maybe it would've brought out the funny element... if there was any at the first place.. Thanks for the comment!
Could you please do me the greatest favor of my life by telling me how does it even remotely 'makes sense'. I still maintain, this is the most senseless and unproductive form of advertising ever...! LimeIce
Commented on firstautumn's review
Hi..!! Its a very difficult decision for me to actually rate such an opinion because it comes from a very philosophical side of your self. For me, gifts I would like to receive indicated material gifts you would in general like to receive. A person like me can't manage to get you someone you lo Read More...
Commented on sentyloner's review
Hi! Why I gave you an R and not an HR, its 'coz although I have nothing against the review you have written, I strongly don't recommend the songs you've mentioned. They're not really romantic enough 'love songs' and boy bands are not my type! However, since you're new here, how can I even th Read More...
Rated on sentyloner's review
Commented on karana23's review
As much as I can't stand Preity Zinta (for her absolute lack of ability to carry off any other role other than that of a spoilt brat), I loved your review. Excellently presented and no unwanted repetitions or comments. Although I don't wish to see Armaan, for the simple reason I can't think of seein Read More...
Commented on vivekbp's review
Vivek, Its time like these that i really wish Mouthshut had a 'very highly recommended' option.. your review is the best I could have imagined on a movie worst I could've imagined. Genuinely speaking, I couldn't go through the whole movie, so my heartfelt sympathies for the torcher you underwent Read More...
Rated on vivekbp's review
Rated on teena_sri's review
Rated on romola's review
Anuj Srivastava (@anuj_viet05MouthShut Verified Member)
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TalentSprint Private Limited (@TalentSprintMouthShut Verified Member)
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Moinuddin Ansari (@moinuddinans90MouthShut Verified Member)
Ganesh S (@Gani_2912MouthShut Verified Member)
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Suraj Kumar (@suraj_pandit86MouthShut Verified Member)
M00re (@M00reMouthShut Verified Member)
Praveena Javvaji (@Praveena9177MouthShut Verified Member)
Faraz Khan (@khanfarazahmadMouthShut Verified Member)
Sunil Badgujar (@sunilbadgujar90MouthShut Verified Member)
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Riyaz Ansari (@riyazmo602MouthShut Verified Member)
Arun Talukdar (@aruntalukdarMouthShut Verified Member)
Manoj Kumar (@GreenDartMouthShut Verified Member)
Reena Prasad (@reenapd10MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 3
Oga Amos (@Az104MouthShut Verified Member)