Kiran4 wrote a review on this and I decided to follow in his footsteps and write off topic also.
After reading his, which by the way please do as it was a good review, and the comments left about it, well here we go.
This is an absurd category to have on here.What purpose does it serve? Are people looking for information on a product or a movie or whatever going to care? No they are going to read several on the same topic and make their decision from there.
Do other reviewers care? I personally do not care if some one thinks some one else is a bad reviewer, that is a matter of taste. While I might think so you might not and the other way around.
The only persons that would care would be the ones named as worst reviewers.Maybe they wrote one bad review lets say and the person writing has only read that one. All the rest may be good. So you put them up as worst reviewer without checking it all out and hurt someones feelings while in the process.
That person may very well put you up as worst reviewer just to get back at you. Would you want your name there? I know I would not.
It is the same with the 5 best reviewers. There are tons of people here that write great reviews so how could anyone name just 5? Oh sure I could put 5 I like then at the bottom say in addition to and add 50 more names but who wants to read that? And if you happen to forget some one then their feelings are hurt too.
Again it is a matter of taste my 5 favorites may not be yours or the other way around.
As far as the distrust list goes I do feel this is useful. Not to distrust someone because they write a bad review the only time I would add anyone to it was if they were copy and pasting others reviews and calling them their own. That to me would be cause to distrust them.
If someone that is on your trust list starts writing all crappy reviews all of a sudden you can simply remove them from your trust list rather than put them on a distrust list. Maybe at first they wrote about films and your interested in that, then they write about cars that doesnt interest you, that could just be a temporary thing.
Personally if someone is on my trust list they are there for a good reason and I have a large trust list. They may not always write about something of interest to me but if they are on my list you can be sure I will read every single review they write from the time I added them on my list.
As long as we are off topic here I may as well add something else. I see people add others to their trust list and they have not written any reviews. I dont understand that one at all. How can you decide if they have not written anything to read? Sometimes I will add some one with only one review when that first review is outstanding and you can tell the person is going to write good reviews but not someone that has not written anything.
What do you do with your wish list? I dont see much reason for that either so I made use of it by creating one. If I am reading reviews and see something I want to write about but dont have the time I will add it to my wish list so I can find it right away and when I have written about it I take it off my list. That was the only thing I could see to use it for.
I sure am way off topic here but decided as long as I am to say whatever I am thinking. Some people do not get recognized here that deserve to be recognized. Wouldnt it be nice if the members could vote on best reviewers, star writers and so on instead of Mouth Shut picking them? And how do they pick? Surely they dont sit and read all the reviews. So what does it take? I have written quite a few reviews, may not be the best writer but my ratings meet the criteria. I have a picture up which is supposed to be one of the criteria yet some are up as star writers and best debut without pictures so tell me how do you get there?
Sorry I have rambled on but just some thoughts that were floating around in my head.