I have used Flipkart extensively in last six months. But my experience is its only good for cheap fast moving items like books and pen drives or cheap mobiles. However items like Samsung Note 800 tablet were delayed and when delay happens there is no infrastructure to follow up and you are left to their mercy. My last and worst example was LG oven costing Rs 22470 which could not be delivered even after 20 days (as against promised delivery time of 6-8 business and for every complaint I would receive computer generated reply that my shipment is delayed by 2-3 business days.
Despite repeated reminders they could never tell the status of the order.However they continued showing availability status of 6-8 days for that item. Finally after 22 days I had to cancel the order. I have still to receive confirmation of cancellation or my money. Their customer service is pathetic. Having dependent on PE money and without commercial viability they are growing too fast without building requisite infrastructure. In fact there are many other sites which offer better prices.So its best to avoid them if you care for your money and expect to receive the goods in reasonable time.
PS For information of readers now I am informed by Flip Kart that it will take them 4 days to simply cancel the order and 13 days to refund the money. Even pathetic railway reservation system starts appearing great.