Writing about something that we feel passionately about is either too easy or extremely difficult. To this category belongs my passion – ‘watching reality shows’. And I find it extremely difficult to write on ‘For love or money’, anyways I am giving it a go.
The story so far has been that Rob, the bachelor, gets to meet 15 women. They have been told that they could win a million dollars if they get the man in the end. Rob was unaware of the prize money in the beginning but has now come to know about this in the last episode (this is what has been shown till now in the ‘star world’ telecast to the mid east). In each episode, few girls get kicked out of the show, because Rob feels ‘no connection or chemistry’ with them. Actually, his ‘chemistry’ till now has been with only the pretty and the more extroverted women in the gaggle of 15 women.
Given a chance, I believe that most of the women would settle for the money rather than Rob. He makes it easier for them to choose money over him; as he is not too handsome (Evan, the halfwit in “Joe Millionaire”, had a far better bod and mug) and also does not have an appealing personality. I think Erin (one of the prettier girls) definitely would have a chance in the final.
I would like to know – how are people recruited for these shows? What about their immediate family members – do they get embarrassed seeing their wards on reality television? What about their employers – (Rob is a lawyer – what about the bosses in the law firm where he works?)
I have followed their antics and would definitely follow other shows like this, because I have this unholy trait of ‘being nosy and curious’. Most of the people who dismiss reality shows as ‘utter waste of time’ are wonderful people. But I am not, so these shows work for me. I sometimes cajole my husband to watch these shows with me and he does, but I know; given a choice between watching reality shows and sleeping – he would definitely opt for the 2nd. It is another matter that after viewing ‘For love…’ for a few seconds, he dozes off in front of the telly. (maybe he suffers from a form of sleeping disorder).
I am sure there are other people like me (even if we are a minority) who donate a few hours to watching ‘interesting trash television’. For other wonderful people - catch a few more hours of good fitful sleeping.