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Member Since:Feb 14, 2004
0 MS Points
Once upon a time, I was one of the worker ants in the busy wonderful city of Mumbai. Now, I am a semi retired housewife in distant shores of the mid east. I still relive some of my past mumbaikar afflictions and experiences through satellite television and Indian newspaper websites. I devote an enormous amount of time to these interesting activities. By the way having an undemanding husband helps in pursuing these proclivities!. reading, watching reality shows, experimenting with recipes, window shopping, listening to lounge music and amassing trivia
About Me
Education: Post Graduation (Mgmt)
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Truly Poor Service
Reviewed HSBC - Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
What can you say about a bank that is 150 years old and is the ?World?s Local bank? (Forgive me Erich Segal, for I have sinned!), that - it has now the experiRead more...
A Movie For All Ages
Reviewed Clueless
I first saw this movie on the telly and to tell the truth, I was actually oscillating between a popular Hindi soap and this movie. Finally, due to some quirk Read more...
10 reasons that make me a Cosmo reader
Reviewed Cosmopolitan
“Never read beauty magazines, they make you feel ugly” so goes the ditty. Hey what about Cosmopolitan, which features articles, like “10 supRead more...
For the 'Not So Perfect' People
Reviewed For Love Or Money
Writing about something that we feel passionately about is either too easy or extremely difficult. To this category belongs my passion – ‘watchingRead more...
Kyunki mujhe yeh dekhna padhta hai har roz!
Reviewed Serials produced by Ekta Kapoor
Enough has been written on the serials en masse being produced by Balaji Telefilms and probably people have also got nauseated reading critiques on the sacrifRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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Commented on contech's review
Truly shocking! With your agency connections, hopefully you can get in touch with somebody higher up in Reliance and give them an ear ful. keep writing!
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