This book, preaches a peculiar philosophy. A controversial philosophy of individualism under the cover of heroic character called Howard Roark. I have wondered for hours, without a clear conclusion about this strange philosophy. It did make me think a lot, and I still think a lot about it.
The author has succeeded in proclaiming Howard to be the epitome of an ideal human being, by etching his character inside an inspiring story, where other characters are second raters who lack originality.
Howard Roark is the creator par excellence. He lives his life by his own terms. Completely unpretentious by nature, he neither humbles nor gratifies himself. His work speaks for him. He is neither driven by compliments nor is flattered by a compliment. He is so much near perfection, that there is almost nothing human about him. He lives his life, like any other thing that is a part of nature. He is the sort of man who would have satisfied every condition specified in the ‘If’ poem of Rudyard Kipling.
Ellsworth Toohey is the man who had identified the means to control and gain power by manipulating men. He uses the pretension of altruism to form a community of the weak minded second raters. He requires more and more power my breaking men. He instinctively senses and quashes the force of individuality in men. Individuality is something that he considers a threat to the society, a dark force that he detests. It is this force that he sees in large quantity being personified in the form of a man called Howard.
The second raters are people who compromise with their self integrity. They seek the company of the powerful to feel comfortable, they seek the assurance of community when in doubt, they secretly fear and doubt their own creativity, they all instinctively identify real creativity and feel fear, hatred and jealously so much that they do everything to defeat it.
The second raters had fallen for comfort zones of false altruist who actually seek power by helping the weak and breaking the real spirit of creativity. The weak seek the support of another, while support giver though without real talent gains more power. There are many second raters in the book. The principal of them, whose story is explained along, is Peter Keating.
Peter Keating is that smart boy who is admired for being successful right from childhood. He does things which will make him look good through not being true to anybody including himself. He needs somebody to help him make decisions as he is always unsure about what he wants. At moments of loneliness he admits his doubt on his own talent and his ever present fear of failure. He is more human compared to Howard, as he does make mistakes. His insecurity leads him to committing sins, small ones at first, and as he moves on the ladder of success he ruthlessly walks on many people to reach his objective. He is a pawn in the hands of Toohey.
My immediate reactions after reading the book were not favorable ones.
In a certain way it looked like in the author’s world, lack of originality is a sin. She say is that every human being should treat fellow human beings as traders. Every interaction with a fellow human being should be a trade, but the trade should involve integrity.
What about the clutches of emotions which makes human being short of perfection? What about the inherent need of every human being to be appreciated? What about pressure to perform, which increases self-doubts? Aren’t these all the factors that make a human more human?
First Conclusion
Howard is like the laws of thermodynamics, which cannot be realized until under ideal conditions. He is only figment of the author’s imagination. Because, even greatest of creators, would have doubted their talent at some point of time, they would have even faulted at some point of time. It is natural for people to feel insecure. It is even acceptable until insecurity doesn’t turn in to jealousy.
Some time after reading this book, I started analyzing it real life examples. I watched people and tried seeing things from their perspective.
I realized that I had been right in considering that Howard is like laws of thermodynamics. But I also realized that it was also true that there are certain conditions that the philosophy explained from this book can be applied.
I realized though ‘lack of originality’ in itself is not a sin; ‘lack of originality along with lack of integrity’ is a sin.
A creator can be followed, but true credit has to be given. Most importantly originality should not be quashed. But unfortunately does this all happen? Aren’t there jealous people who try their best to put someone down?
A new concept is always followed by various protestations from people who refuse to accept change. It is difficult to break through the mind set of a common man, which is already being manipulated by false people.
Like what happened to the actress Kushboo who said what she believed. She voiced her opinion about premarital relationships. I am not interested in probing in to whether what she said was right or wrong, but I am interested in the consequences. People manipulated by politicians have joined hands to crush her guts to stand for what she believes.
People like Toohey do exist. And they do use the face of a humanitarian to achieve their goals. Power hungry man called ‘Sankaracharya’ is an excellent example.
It is also fact that sometimes people are forced to compromise beliefs in order to get success.
The ego of a creator is often misinterpreted as arrogance. The world is sometimes too happy to celebrate the fall of a hero, who stands for what he believes.
Final Conclusion
There is definitely something worth probing in to in this book. Though I do not want to want to follow the philosophy explained in this book, I agree with the author at certain points.
It is true that world would be a better place if people did not use the false pretense of altruism to achieve personal goals.
And that there is practically nothing like unselfishness in the world. Even love is selfish!
Though no human being can be Howard, all human beings could have been like him, if lack of originality and fear had not forced them to compromise self values and self integrity.
Like in the book, no matter how hard the second raters try, it is the creator who will succeed.
Because, everything in this world, which is invented by a human, speaks the success story of a true creator like Howard Roark!
And the world on itself moves on, only because it is nourished by the creative fountain originating from the ego of a true creator like Howard Roark.