Hey ppl
Thanks to ur comments and recos I am trying to do something new here .This is a very special rvu for me as I am going to change my style of writing as u will notice henceforth.
Friends was a really long running american tv serial centered around 6 ppl 3 men (guys actually) and 3 gurls in their 20s living in the big apple (why they call that I donno ) newyork.Produced by kauffman and crane production in association with warner bros the first episode aired on 22 sept 1994 and unfortunately the last on may 6 2004 .At the end of series each of 6 main cast members wre said to be paid abt US$1, 000, 000 per episode
The cast is very unique in its characters and suits best when brought together .Friends wouldnt be Friends in absence of even 1 of the characters.Let me start with my favourite of all favourites
1.Joseph Francis Tribbiani or JOEY as we know him popularly played by Matt Le Blanc
2.Rachel Karen Green or RACHEL by Jennifer Aniston
3.Monica E. Geller MONICA by Courteney Cox
4.Phoebe Buffay or PHOEBE by Lisa Kudrow
5.Chandler Bing or CHANDLER by Matthew Perry
6.Prof. Ross Eustace Geller or ROSS by David Schwimmer.
There are other numerous characters which are brought in as the story proceeds like their parents , brothers and sisters and common ppl they come across in their day to day life mostly played by some famous hollywood actors/actresses guest appreances.
MUST KNOWs (Some really intresting things)
After the broad cast of first friends episode the over all rvu suggested some changes which were like adding more humour, adding older characters, making the coffee shop less trendy, reducing the sexual matter in the show .(I expect ppl who hav seen friends to faint here ).
For ur information friends is seen or shown in over 25 countries like Argentina , Austria , Australia , Belgium , Bosnia , Brazil , Egypt , France, Germany, Greece , Hong Kong , India , Iran , Japan , Latin america, Mexico , Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, South africa, Thiland, Uruguay, Venezuela to name a few (Really only few I have mentioned here).
JOEY- Joey is a struggling actor who left his fathers well going business of pipes and came to NY , got totally broke and lives with and on chandler for everything ( I mean everything).He has an IQ which prohibits him to take more than 1 big word in 1 sentence at a time big words like palentology, assuming, data processing etc.He eats a lot I mean a lot atleast 5 times a day each meal fit to a full lunch atleast still maints his shape (god knows how).Obsessed with pizzas, sandwiches and all food.Acts in wierd plays as he has to do something for his acting career and is really cute lookin.Really a best friend of chandler.
CHANDLER- A guy who works for living in a multinational company getting paid a lot yet unhappy with his boring job as he wants to do something exciting like being a comic writer.He has a tendency of cracking critic jokes on all including him.Lives with joey (actually they both are like couples really but not gay..complicated not at all)Has a bad habit of smoking but later quits his friends make him quit.He is school friend of ross and rachel.
MONICA-- She is a cook by profession, little sister of ross, has a unstable mental state , obsessed with doing things in a best or most ideal way possible and goes to any level to do them.She was really really fat in school but slim now and still obsessed with eating a lot when nervous.She also has a very true misconception that her parents like ross more than her especially her mom
PHOEBE-- She is undefinable in words, got a terrible past wacky present and god konws what future, she is always in her own state of mind really wacky life style, vegetarian strictly, has a twin evil sister ursla, sings in central perk for a living, her granny told her einstein was her grandfather and some model is her father as her father left her when she was young and her granny doesnt want her to know who her real father was as this might hurt her.(emotions)
RACHEL- She is a dughter of a millionaire business men yet works as waitresses initially in central work for a living .She left her fathers house and all his belongings as she wants to be independent & live on her own.Lives with Monica initially.
ROSS -- This guy is the most complicated of all.A PHd in palentology, married a lesbian first without knowing she was one, then divorced, but has a son ben with her, maries gurl after wards again gets divorced, marries rachel again when drunk and again gets divorced, initially working at museum but one day goes mentally furious when boss throws away his sandwich in the dustbin so gets fired for shouting at his boss. He also once had a monkey named marcel as pet and partial gurlfriend as he was tired of having a real gurlfriend.Has a crush on rachel from school days.If u think this is complicated well all I would say is watch the seasons and decide for ur self what ross really is????
THE CATCH (The real thing)
Ok so what is it that made this tv serial so popular .Well there are many to say but I will point a few. From my point of view first thing is its wacky totally honest.I mean friends must be ideally (I am talking ideally ppl) like this.Here are some things that became famous through friends .Again let me start with my favourites of all favourites :
HEYYYYYYYY........HOW U DOING??? this is joeys punch line for attracting women.
THE UGLY NAKED GUY this is a character who is always naked in his apartment (Human tendencies I told u na)
ROSS DIVORCED.. AGAIN this is because ross gets divorced 3 times in the whole series he also marries a lessbian, a japanese and especially (twice or thrice I guess) rachel
OH..MY..GOD a surprise, sorry, happy in short all emotions punch line its in all episode in all seasons atleast once.
CENTRAL PERK a coffee house where all friends hang out all day long drinking coffee and analysing things, listening to phoebes songs as there is no one to lsten her cracky songs.Hey thast what friends are for.
PHOEBES MUSIC phoebe has a misunderstanding that she has a potential of a singer so she sings in central perk for money but her songs better not talked about I will say.She can write a song in minute well just put some words together and rhyme them that phoebes music.
JOEYS SANDWICH joey has an obsession with food and one episode is full on joey and his sandwich.He actually saves his sandwich from getting shot by a bullet by covering it with his whole body.That is joey !!!
THE THEME SONG a well suited song by rembrandts Ill be there for u became more popular by friends song .
Well thats all I have to say so far.Its too big form me to describe it all.Each episode and season is like a day & monts in life of friends.Friends is a series of 10 seasons each consisting of abt 25 episodes all worth watching I am looking for collecting all seasons bcs its worth it.For u ppl I will say watch and decide.Although I am really dissapointed as star world is repeating the first 8 seasons and I wanna see the last two.But its ok bcs each episode is worth watching many times.
Thnx for reading u c I really have stopped my self from doing many things like short cuts many exclamations and full stops and question marks etc which is my style characteristics in above work .Do u think I should do this more or return to my old wacky style plzz vote through ur comments as I will greatly appreciate it.!