is one of the reliable websites which is sure to provide you with good & genuine friends, just like our lovable MS. Many people mistake to be just a dating or a matrimonial site, which is purely a misunderstanding of the Site due to the outward glancing of this website.
My First entry into
Around two years ago, while I was googling for Matrimonial Websites for my cousin, appeared in my search list. A to-be-accepted fact is that there are really a lot of constraints and limitations in order to get yourself to look for a suitable pair for you here. Being an extensive browser, my exclusive opinion is that this site as such is more suitable to acquire good friends rather than a life partner.
How to get yourself registered in
In order to have yourself registered in, you could choose to be a Free member as well as a paid member. Paid members have more options and get lot of extra benefits. But until the time you get to know the variety of features and the characteristics of the website, it is advisable to remain as a Free member.
Free Membership:
Just login into the Site in the same usual way you commonly do as in the other websites. But every field of your profile page should be unmistakably filled in and also it is essential that you need to upload your photograph.
Paid Membership:
You could choose your own option on the period of your membership. Their normal charges are:
• A fee of Rs. 750/- for a three months membership
• A fee of Rs. 1, 250/- for a six months membership
• A fee of Rs. 2, 200/- for one year membership
The payment could be made by way of Credit card / Cheque or Demand Draft details of which are clearly cited in the website.
Basic Features of
•This is basically a fun-to-be-with kind of a Website. You could view a briefing about some of the members who have desired to openly exhibit their profiles. If you desire to get in touch with any member whose profile has grabbed your attention, you have the ready-made (default) one-liner Buzz (this is fully for free) which you could send to that particular member. If that member wishes to return your call to her, she would immediately get in touch with you. Initially this is pretty boresome but once you start getting good interesting friends, you would start off buzzing at least 30 to 40 members per day.
•Most of us are too crazy about online chats – here’s a wonderful room for it..!!! Like MSN or Yahoo Messenger, you wouldn’t be able to view all the members who are online, here it is little tedious. You would be able to view only one member at a time. You could send a word for that member and in case if that particular member wishes to respond, then you could start chatting with him. Here, simultaneously chatting with many members at the same time is not possible. Just a One 2 One Correspondence.
•In Mouthshut, you would be able to receive M2Ms from any member who wishes to send you one. If you don’t wish to receive M2Ms in the MS, then you have an option for that in your “Edit Profile” page, so that all the M2Ms to you would be disabled. But here at, you can block receiving mails from any specific member, if you desire so. This is called, filtering messages from unwanted members.
Other good features of also features some of the other wonderful materials. Following are a few of them which are my favourites:
•You have the “Exclusives” Category which is updated on a daily-basis. This features the interview of a few popular VIPs or Cine Stars and the “Celeb Talk” consists of some beautiful motivating statements of a Celebrity of the day. This also displays petty interesting news features happened across the country as well as hot current news of abroad. For the politics lovers, you also have some interesting political news episodes here.
•The “Expert Advice” Forum contains some useful practically possible tips on some interesting subjects like make-up, cosmetology, medicines, child-care, bridal wear, love & marriage etc. Also, you would find some wonderful tips on how to initiate your conversation with other members in order to make yourself more presentable to them.
•The Main Menu on the Opening Page of always contains some of the following delightful subjects:
•Wall Papers
•Screen Savers
•Quizzes for people of all ages which are basically classified into lower, inter, higher and senior
•Advices on Love and Relationship / a peaceful married life etc.
•Weekly Forecase
•Beauty / Advice on how to make yourself look presentable
•Health Issues
•Current Fashion Trends
•The Indian Portal “Shaaditimes” embodies excellent collection of data about brides & grooms. Based on our requirement & expectations (about choosing the life-partner) on Location, education, age, job etc. we could shortlist the applicants. You can also post your expectations in your application page so that you receive only filtered applications.
•You could participate in the Contests and win exciting valuable prizes like gold Jewellery, a free trip abroad, Stay at a Star Hotel with family, solid cash prizes etc. But the fact is that, the contests here are pretty obscure & also tough.
•You can post your queries on anything and everything from A to Z and your queries would be answered by Experts. Replies by Anita Dongre are really very very interesting and fascinating.
Being an extensive browser of this beautiful website, I would strong recommend to one and all. I feel that this is really a wonderful site if you are looking for a clean & genuine friendship. Also, you could initiate genuine datings if you wish to. has given me a lot of genuine top-quality friends.
Pros: In the Review
Cons: Slow connectivity & upload profile / photograph normally takes about 36 hours to get updated as every data you input would be screened by the superintendence of the site and they have all the rights to edit your data.
Bye & thanks a ton for your most valuable time. Your RRCing is most welcome.